Chapter 8

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"You mean to tell me you're from the 1920s and you were married to the owner James Patrick March!" John exclaimed with the smell of alchol in his drunken voice. I tilted my head at him, "Impossible!"  he hollered at me "Okay, John settle down now." Iris said calming him down. "Get off me! You, Your not real are you?" he demanded pointing John started to make me feel violated so I got closer towards his face "Look at my face, huh! does this look like a fantasy john! open your eyes you asshole! everything and everyone around you are not jokes or visions!" I shouted at him hearing my whole accent extenuate. john's face became soft, and he walked away. 

Well that progressed quickly. Iris said I walked away from her and returned back into my room and waited for morning to come, just as the sun came up I suddenly heard "hello" I turned to face Elizabeth "What's wrong?" she asked I plopped down right next to her "it's nothing, just something to forget about" I told her looking down. "Elizabeth do you have any plans with the new owner, Will Drake?" I asked her looking into her eyes "Why do you ask that?" she quickly replied back "Well, it just seems like you're interested in him but I must tell you one thing, don't leave Donovan out just to replace your long lost love I know you still wait for him to come back and every man you meet you seem to try to turn him into Valentino." I told her Elizabeth's face started to become sadly tense she got up to leave but before she did I spoke out to her "you know its true and so do I" she didn't say a word but stop for a minute and then she left. 

by the time I came back to the lobby Donovan was yelling at Iris I didn't pay any mind to it but I did appear behind Liz I sat on the front desk in my lingerie silk gown. "you could've put something on" Liz said "I'm not in the mood" I told her looking at donovan and Iris. The two stopped arguing and Iris began to breakdown after Donovan told her to kill herself. "what were they arguing about" I whispered to Liz "the countess just broke up with him" she whispered back "and Iris wanted to move out to get a fresh start Liz continued " THAT BITCH !!!" I screamed I suddenly  vanished into Elizabeth's suite "WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU DOING" I shouted at her just then Tristan comes out of the bedroom butt naked "Are you seriously going to leave Donovan, for this" I pointed at tristan. "Don't start!" she spat at me reaching over for a glass of fine blood. I looked at Tristan's face "oh look! and you decided to turn him!" I exclaimed sarcastically "hey young lady! way to say hello" he smirked "Guess what, I'm dead" I told him He stood there in a little surprise "you'll regret this!" I spat at Elizabeth furiously. She pierced her lips, just as I was leaving I wondered where was Donovan gonna go? As I went down a few floors I saw Sally, when I walked up to her she was a bit happy "This is going to be the kill of the season!" She exclaimed

RIP IRIS 2015! she shouted 

I looked at her grimly 

Killer Game(Mr. March AHS story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora