Chapter 4

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He was a detective, Iris was so intrigued by him "I don't blame her" I thought to myself. He ran upstairs to room 64 just to find nothing but a furnished empty room. "I swear if I hear another peep from those two foreign girls I swear I'm gonna scream" Iris cursed I suddenly remembered something, my diary I haven't seen it since- last time I was here in the Cortez. "Maybe he has it" I told myself, Pushing the thought out my head I was curious on why was the detective  demanding to go to room 64. Think about all the little things I could do to him! That face, those lips, he's a perfect kill! I wondered as I pulled out a magazine from one of the coffee tables, as a few minutes pass he comes down to the lobby slightly looking confused as he walks out to leave his eyes pierced me but never saying a word. 

I make my way back up to my room until I notice small children running around the halls one comes up to me tilts his head and keeps on running away. "disturbing looking child" I said I walked into my room 

as time pass by I'm awoke up by the sound of screamingly torture I had to see what it was when I came down Iris had the two Swedish girls caged "Really, Iris?" I spoke up "these girls don't deserve this" I told her walking up to her "tell that to the countess" she murmured just then sally rushed in and I was looking for countess. 

I walk down the halls to come to the same room she stays in I saw her just as she was walking out with a gorgeous man. Her face became a bit terrified to see me, "hello darling I haven't seen you in ages" I stared down at her. " I-I- she stuttered "who's this nice young man?" I cut her off  "this is Donovan, you know his mom she works at the front desk, Margaret" "Oh,so  he's just another boy to play over with your meaningless sex and games" I interrupted her. " Why are you here!" she hissed "Remember darling I'm not going anywhere" I said with transatlantic ringing through the hall and reaching closer up to her face " You're still a little  bitch, aren't you?" I asked "And you're still the lonely soul who just can't die?" she lingered "let's go!" Donovan demanded as they both walk away feeling like kings and queens of earth.  

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