Chapter 9

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So you're telling me that your going to kill Iris out of her request? I asked sally walking into her room "the old bat has nothing else to live" for she said putting a cigarette into her mouth, the room smelled of death and cigarettes. As she prepared for her greatest kill, I wondered about that man Sally had nailed by her drilling monster. "What happened to that man you had drilled?" I asked her looking at the bed she got quiet "Tell me!" I demanded facing her "Oh well he left along time ago, he's in a better place" she stated "He's dead isn't he!" I shouted at her Sally started to back away from me, I was so pissed off at her I suddenly screamed "JAMES!!" just then he vanished in behind me I turned toward him "SHE DISOBEYED ME, AFTER I TOLD HER TO NOT KILL THIS ONE PERSON!" I told him, James came up to Sally mad "YOU NEVER DISOBEY A RULE! IF SOMEONE LIKE HER TELLS YOU TO NOT KILL SOMEONE, YOU DO SO!!" he yelled at her "YOU'LL PAY!" he continued to yell. He threw Sally onto the bed and began to tie her down everything was happening so quickly soon the drilling monster ripped Sally's dress off she screamed in terror. Just like that he screwed her every scream cut the walls, every thrust it took upon her reminded me of my kills. As I continued to watch James whispered in my ear "sweetheart, I love when your a bitch" he whispered but before he left he kissed me on the forehead. 

"That's enough!" I screamed at the creature, it quickly got out of my sight. Sally had burning sad tears running down her face as if they sting her ghostly skin. I leaned towards her "now, you wanted to kill Iris?" I asked Sally got  everything ready but I didn't want to help, I just wanted to watch. When Iris came in she looked prepared the poor little woman was hopeless. "Don't haunt my halls bitch" sally told Iris before injecting her with heroine. This went on for another hour but Iris couldn't be killed she was injected with so much heroine she could probably see the moon and all the stars in space. Sally finally decided to put a plastic bag over Iris's head she slowly stopped breathing. just as she was taking her final breath Donovan came banging on the door "Hey ma! I wanna talk to you!" we heard him call Sally opened up the door "Too bad you missed her!" Sally told him putting a cigarette in her mouth. Donovan rushed in "Oh My God! what have I done" he exclaimed in panic he takes the bag off her head but he suddenly began to cry I didn't think Donovan would've came back to care. But wait he takes out a knife and cuts his wrist leading to Iris beginning to drink the blood of a virus that can't be cured without having to die. "that some serious plot twist" Sally said sitting next to me. "Damn it!" I shouted kicking one of the chairs down "just a few minutes she would've known what it's like to be dead in this hell hole!" I continued 

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