Strictly Business : Chapter 28

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Hi all,

Sorry this took so long. I guess a part of me did not want to end this story but all stories must come to an end. This is the final chapter and I want to take this chance to thank all my readers (I know you are reading even if you don't comment haha). It has been an amazing journey with this story and I really apprecaite every single read, comment, vote and support.

I hope new readers continue coming nd if there is any part you feel needs to be improved, do drop me a comment.

For my existing readers and fans, I hope you will support my other story, The Prophecy, as well. It is a fantasy romance, a new genre which I am still learning so much about everyday, so any supoort or advice is very much appreciated.

Enjoy this chapter.




"Is it me or does everything seem to taste better by the sea? Maybe we should get a villa here. I'd love to come up here from time to time to recharge. I think I'm starting to fall in love with this place," Elizabeth chattered happily as she tucked into her sauteed scallops on the patio of their villa on the sparkling waters of the Maldives.

"That's a great idea. I'll look into it." Shane wiped his mouth with his napkin, smiling at her. She was dressed in one of his shirts and denim shorts, her face was relaxed and glowing as she admired the scenery before her. He thought she never looked more beautiful or sexy.

He picked up his glass of champagne. "Happy anniversary darling."

Elizabeth picked up her own glass and returned the toast. "Happy anniversary."

"You know, I'm not really sure if we should be celebrating this anniversary. Our wedding was originally a business agreement, it hardly meant anything at that time." Shane commented as he set down his glass.

"Yeah I know what you meant. In fact I don't think I remember much of it. It was just a complete fiasco." Elizabeth looked wistfully at her plate.

Shane reached across the table and took her hand. "Elizabeth." She looked up into his serious blue eyes. "I want to make it up to you."

He took a jewelry box that looked like it contained a necklace that he had been hiding under his seat, went around the table and knelt in front of her.

"What are you doing??" Elizabeth gasped.

He opened the jewelry box and Elizabeth stared down at the necklace nestled on the black velvet. Her eyes immediately filled with tears. It was a simple gold chain with a large oval emerald pendant.

"I know it says 'With all my heart, Edward' on the back but I thought this would be more appropriate than an ordinary diamond ring."

"Where did you get this?" Elizabeth whispered through her tears.

"It really helped to be an playboy as you call it and familiar with all the socialites and grand dames of society. I went to quite a few jewelry auctions with them in the past and got to know some dealers. It took me a while and a few connections to track this down to Mrs Worthington. I had to use every bit of charm I had to persuade her to sell this to me."

"Oh my god, Shane." Tears started falling down her face. She fingered the necklace lovingly, her heart swelled with the memories of her grandmother. Her grandmother's necklace, it is finally back.

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