Strictly Business: Chapter 5

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Anne sat quietly, watching the sparks fly between the two of them and not missing the knowing glance the two older men exchanged. Something's up here, she observed. David caught her questioning look and smiled.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Anne asked later as she and David were about to retire for the night.

David gave a sigh. "How do I begin? In part, this union is about the future of our companies. The benefits for both companies are all true. But the main cause is for Elizabeth and Shane."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you not noticed that our daughter is embarking on the fast track for spinsterhood? Not that she has a lack of suitors but she has become so obsessed with work and the Eco-City project that she's shutting out all romance in her life. Besides she is right about the men she meets having an ulterior motive. Who she is has become the biggest obstacle to her finding anyone decent. Frankly I'm quite worried. Not to sound elitist, she needs someone of an equal social class but not someone who's only good at squandering away the family money. She needs someone who has the confidence to stand against her."

"As for Shane, William still regrets the years after Christine's death. He knew he deprived Shane of a family. He might look like he has it all but the poor boy's incredibly lonely. He needs a home, somewhere to plant his roots and someone to share his life with." David sighed.

"Yes, I feel for the poor boy everytime I look at him. He deserves to have a home to call his own. I suppose that's why he wanders around so much, he doesn't have one." Anne said thoughtfully.

"Both of them will never agree if we just set up them for blind dates and are too smart to not see through attempts to matchmake them. You know your daughter, she hates being told to do anything. They are perfect for each other. They just don't see it. Ordinary methods won't work so we had to use extraordinary ones."

Anne was silent for a while. "You're right. They do need each other. Shane is a good man despite what Elizabeth thinks. I just hope that this works."


"Joanne, I'm getting married." Elizabeth announced over the phone. All she heard in reply was a loud guffaw. That's what she loved most about her best friend. Joanne Barry had no airs and no pretense. Sometimes she couldn't believe that Joanne is born with a silver spoon. She is nothing you'd expect from someone who's actually part-royal.

"Elizabeth Westville, that's the lousiest joke I've ever heard. You'll never make it through the first round of open mike at the Comedy Club. Give it up." Joanne laughed.

"No I'm serious. I'm getting married." Elizabeth reiterated.

"To who?" she demanded.

"Shane Preston." Elizabeth said simply.

"Shane Pres... I'm coming over" Joanne slammed down the phone. She got to the Westville home in record time. "What on earth are you talking about? I want every detail. Spill," she demanded as they settled in her bed.

Elizabeth told her everything and Joanne's jaw was dangerously close to hitting the floor by the time she's done.

"You.Have.Got.To.Be.Kidding," Joanne declared. "Either that or my car is actually a Back-to-the-Future prop reject and I'm now in the 1600s."

Elizabeth couldn't help laughing. "You crack me up every time! Oh gosh, thank god I have you." She looked at her friend affectionately.

Joanne shook her head in disbelief slowly. "This is unbelievable." She was thoughtful for a while. "Well at least it's Shane Preston and he's not that tough to stomach eh?" She wriggled her eyebrows cheekily at Elizabeth.

"Oh please! Besides I didn't notice." Elizabeth sniffed.

"Liar!!" Joanne threw a pillow at her, Elizabeth squealed and a pillow fight ensued.


In the latest club on the other side of town, Shane was having beers with his best friend from college, Mason Hawke. Looking at the two of them together, you would never have imagined them as best pals. Mason was a construction worker's son, who got into the swanky Princewood College on a scholarship and took two part-time jobs to pay for his boarding. In their first year there, Shane defended him against a group of snotty rich kids who tried every attempt to drive him out of the school. After that incident, they became fast friends. Mason liked the fact that Shane never showed him any pity or flaunted his wealth and Shane found his quiet thinking manner and cool head something he deeply admired.

"I never thought you would be the marrying type, let alone arranged marriage" Mason pondered.  

"You and me both." Shane took another swig of beer.

"So you've got to go through the whole wedding shenanigan? Flowers, rings, chicken or fish?"

"Urgh, I'm afraid I do. Dad said we had to at least keep up basic appearances or we'll probably have a running column in the tabloids going 'Are they or are they not?' " Shane waved his hands in a mock dramatic manner.  

"That's true. So, chicken or fish huh?"

Shane sighed. "Yeah."

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