Strictly Business: Chapter 13

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WARNING: This chapter contains an attempted rape scene. While it is not excessively explicit, young readers should be cautioned.


Needing some time to clear her head, Elizabeth stayed in one of the service apartments the company keeps for its management staff for the next few days. She gave the excuse of the approaching tender deadline to fob off any questions from her parents.

She called Joanne up for Chinese food and advice on the second night.

"You have got to be insane. I can't believe you said that," Joanne declared as they tucked into fried noodles, lounging comfortably on the couch with a chick flick playing on the tv.

"I know! I can't believe I said that either. It was just all in the heat of the moment and I was all confused." Elizabeth stabbed at her noodles with her fork in frustration.

"I don't know Nicholas personally but I've heard things about him. You do need to be careful with him." Joanne looked at her. "Tell me honestly, what exactly are your feelings towards Nicholas and Shane? Are you really going to choose between the two of them?"

Elizabeth did not answer her. All she could think about was the way Shane's eyes were filled with hurt when she reminded him about his promise. She doesn't understand why but a lump formed in her throat.

"When I agreed to this marriage, I knew what Daddy and Uncle William were up to. The joining of our companies could actually be achieved without our marriage. All this was just a huge set up to matchmake us." she said quietly.

"You knew and you went along with this?" Joanne stared at her.

Elizabeth leaned her head on Joanne's shoulder. "I was tired of relationships that didn't work out. This way I can fulfill Grandma's dream and get out of the dating game. I didn't expect..."

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire?"

Elizabeth sighed.

"I just want you to be happy."

Elizabeth knew what was unspoken. They have been friends for too long to not know what each other was thinking. Be careful of Nicholas and don't make any rash decisions.


"Oh man! I wish I was there to see his face! If I knew I wouldn't have gone to that club opening, missed such a great 'show' and I didn't even score," Chris made a face.

It was Wednesday evening and both Nicholas and Chris were at the men's club as usual.

"Oh I got Shane all riled up alright. He's all nice and ready to take the biggest blow," he sniggered. "Remember what I asked you to prepare for me?"

Chris looked around to make sure they were alone. Most of the other members were engrossed in a card game on the other side of the room. He slipped a tiny plastic bag from his coat pocket. In it were two small pills. He handed it to Nicholas. He examined the pills and tucked them into his own pocket. "They'll work as you described?"

Chris nodded. "Rohypnol. Knocked out within 15 minutes and no recollection whatsoever the next morning. You'll be able to do whatever you want with her and she won't remember. The drug in the body disappears after 72 hours leaving no trace. Perfect drug. But you've got to be careful with this. Use only one and don't mix it with alcohol. The pill itself is potent enough."

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