Strictly Business: Chapter 19

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Elizabeth flicked through the dresses on the rack half heartedly.

"Why did you bring me here again? These clothes are so not my style," she asked Joanne, wrinkling her nose.

"Here try these. I bet Shane won't be able to take his eyes off you," Joanne dropped a whole armful of clothes on the divan.

"Are you insane? These are not me and besides I don't have to dress for anybody. My dressing is fine the way it is," Elizabeth declared, picking through the mountain of clothing.

"Yes, tailored blouses, pencil skirts or pant suits. In black, grey or neutrals. Do you have an allergy to colour?" Joanne frowned at her crossing her arms.

"No, I just don't like to fuss over what I wear. Besides there's no one who would bother."

"In the past maybe. But now Shane is just five steps away from you in your office. A little office romance may be fun," she grinned wickedly.

"You have been reading too many romance novels. There is still nothing between us. Get your head out of the gutter." she snorted as she picked through the clothes. "A leather skirt?? Seriously??" she stared in amazement at Joanne.

"What? They are the latest thing for fall. It's a tasteful tan leather skirt, not a hooker uniform. And this red dress will look great on you. Bold colours are going to be in for fall. Look humor me, just try them and watch Shane's reaction. You'll be very surprised. Come on, you're the one with a cute guy sitting across you everyday. I'm still stuck with losers, let me live my office romance fantasy through you," Joanne pouted as she dragged Elizabeth to the dressing room.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes in mock exasperation and laughed as she gave in.


"Wow did you wipe out the entire store?" Mason commented as they joined the guys at the table laden with bags.

"Joanne is determined to makeover my entire wardrobe. She made me buy all these." Elizabeth made a face.

"So what did you buy?" Shane asked Elizabeth.

"Sexy lingerie," Joanne quipped immediately.

"Something Shane would never get to see," Mason sniggered.

Shane punched his arm while Elizabeth blushed. Joanne hid a smile. "Let's order before Shane's brain explode with images of Elizabeth in lingerie."

"JOANNE!!" Elizabeth glared at her, blushing even deeper. Shane hid behind his menu. Mason guffawed and ducked before Shane could punch him again.

Shane's phone beeped to indicate an incoming message. Joanne and Mason were still laughing away. Shane looked at the message that just appeared on the screen of his phone and his expression immediately changed. His whole body tensed and he clutched his phone tightly.

"What's wrong?" Mason asked at once, sensing something was up. Elizabeth and Joanne looked up from their menus, curious. Shane's phone rang. He stared at the screen. "Nothing. Sorry ladies, I need to take this call outside," he hitched a smile on his face and left the table, beckoning silently to Mason to follow him.

Shane swiftly walked to the front of the restaurant, Mason right behind him. "What's up?" he asked. Shane held up a finger and took the call. "Who is this and how did you get that photo?" he demanded.

"You want to know? Come out to the back alley. Alone."

"Hello? Hello?!" The caller had hung up.

"What's going on?" Mason asked urgently. Shane handed him the phone without a word. Mason took one look at the screen and cursed. On the screen was displayed a topless photo of Elizabeth. He handed the phone back to Shane at once.

"Who would ever manage to take photos of Elizabeth like that?!" Mason was outraged.

"Recognise the background? This was taken that night at The Royal Hotel," Shane replied, gritting his teeth.

"You're right! F***!! I should have let you beat him senseless, that bastard! What did the caller want? Was it Nicholas?" Mason asked angrily.

"No, it was someone else. He wants to meet me at the back alley alone." Shane's face was grim.

"I don't like the sound of this. I'm coming with you," Mason made to move.

"He said only me. I'll be fine. If you don't hear from me in two hours, call the cops." Shane instructed.


"Go back to the girls. I don't feel safe leaving them alone. Watch over them for me. I'll call you. Go." With that he left.

Mason went back to the table soberly.

"Where did Shane go?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh, he er, had a call from the marina. There's a problem with his yacht so he needs to make a trip down urgently. He said he's sorry he can't join us for lunch," Mason came up with an excuse quickly, careful to keep his expression neutral.

He sneaked a glance at his watch.

Two hours.


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