Strictly Business: Chapter 11

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"You've got to be kidding, you really did that?" Elizabeth was laughing.

"In my defense, I was very drunk, I was only in my first year of college then and that was a very attractive looking male. God that was one of my most embarrassing moments. I can't believe I told you that," Nicholas replied wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

The two of them were enjoying dinner at one of Nicholas' favourite restaurants where they were exchanging funny stories from college.

"And you know the funniest thing was..." Elizabeth never got to hear what it was for at that moment they were rudely interrupted by the grating of a chair at their table.

Shane plonked himself down on the chair nonchalantly. "Sorry did I interrupt something?" he asked lazily while Elizabeth glared at him.

"Yes you did," replied Elizabeth icily.

Shane ignored the frosty reply. "You seem to be very interested in my wife, Beaste. Trying to add her into your collection of adulterous trophy wives?"


"Please don't insult your wife this way. We are merely having dinner as friends. It's alright Elizabeth. I'm afraid Shane and I have a bit of misunderstanding in the past which wasn't really resolved properly. Shane, I apologise if my meeting your wife makes you uncomfortable. I'll leave now." He made to get up.

"No Nicholas, you don't have to leave. If there's anyone who should be leaving, it'll be Shane." Elizabeth placed her hand on Nicholas' arm and turned coldly to Shane.

Shane refused to look at her but instead stared at Nicholas, his jaw clenched and his eyes like shards of blue ice.

"I really don't want to cause the the two of you to argue over me. It's better that I leave. Thank you for your company Elizabeth. I had a very good time chatting with you, I'll miss that." Nicholas gave a sad smile. "My apologies again Shane." and he left.

Elizabeth turned to Shane furiously. "You have no right to treat my friend like that." her voice was low but angry.

Shane scowled at her. "You have terrible taste in friends then." She didn't deign to give him a reply and left in a huff instead.


"You've got to be careful dude," Mason cautioned Shane as they said in a bar, having beers.

"I know. If that animal has his sights on Elizabeth I'll need to keep an eye on her. That naive woman can't see past all that sweet talk, oily git."

"No I mean careful you don't push her towards him. I can tell Elizabeth's the headstrong type, the more you try to control her, the more she'll want to meet Nicholas. If you continue this way you'll be presenting her to that snake on a silver platter."

Shane knew Mason was right. "He's never bested me before, which is also why he hates my guts. Thwarting him again should be easy but I don't know why I'm letting him get to me."

"Because this time you have feelings for his intended target."

Shane scoffed, "No I do not. I'm letting him get to me because Elizabeth is an obstinate little mule which makes my work so much harder. I just got to turn on my charm more to distract her from that snake and if that fails, just chain her to her blasted office chair."

Mason smiled knowingly to himself. His buddy has got it bad and he doesn't even know it.


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