Strictly Business: Chapter 6

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"Does it really matter which dress?" Elizabeth protested in resignation as she changed for what felt like the millionth time.

"Yes it does. Even if the wedding is a sham, it must still look like one. And you must look like the most beautiful bride. Besides, humour me. This is fun." Joanne chided, fastening the many buttons on the dress.

"Fun? I need to get you a new hobby," Elizabeth rolled her eyes. It's been almost a month since both David and William held a press conference announcing the union of Westville and Preston Global and of their two only childs. Right after that, the whirlwind of wedding preparations started. Elizabeth has been looking over venues and menus and flowers and all sorts of frills she didn't even knew existed. Now they are at a bridal studio trying out dresses and Shane had been dragged along to get his suit fitted as well.

Elizabeth scowled in annoyance. This is all so silly, she thought. I would much rather be at work right now. We still need to iron out quite a few details and I wonder if Nancy managed to gather all the quotations from the construction firms.

"Alright, turn around." Joanne instructed. Elizabeth did so dutifully. Joanne gasped, "This is it! I think this is the dress!" Elizabeth looked at the mirror, pleasantly surprised. The dress had a white satin bodice with a heart shaped bust line which showed off her slim neck and shoulders. Cinched at the waist, the skirt flowed out in soft tulle ruffles which looked like layer after layer of tissue paper.

She walked out of the dressing room to the elegant sitting area outside, where her mother was waiting patiently sipping tea. "Oh sweetheart! You look lovely! This one is much better than the ones you'd tried before." Anne exclaimed. At this moment, Shane who had been trying on suits in another area walked in. He stopped short when he saw Elizabeth. He recovered himself quickly."You look nice," Shane commented. "Nice? More like stunning, you should definitely take this dress," quipped Mason who was right behind him.

"Thanks Mason. You look good in that suit too. The fit is great," Elizabeth complimented. Is that all he could say? Nice? Elizabeth thought irritably. Of course, I can't compare with all those supermodels he goes out with. Shane was wearing a charcoal grey suit with an opened-necked white shirt which showed off his lean physique and broad shoulders and went well with his black hair and deep blue eyes. Damn he looks good, her irritation growing.

"You have a piece of thread in your hair," Shane pointed out as he walked up to her. He stood a little closer to her than necessary on purpose and held her gaze while he reached towards her right ear and slowly plucked the thread from her hair.

Elizabeth's heart raced as he stood in front of her. Standing so close to him, she could smell the woody cologne he was wearing and his eyes if possible blazed even more blue. He smirked as he held the thread in front of her face and stepped back.

Elizabeth released her breath slowly and purposely avoided his gaze. What a jerk! He really thinks all women succumb to his charms but this is one woman who's not, she thought angrily. She tilted her chin defiantly and marched back to the dressing room.

She smells of strawberries, Shane thought, and her neck is so alluring. Funny, I never thought of that body feature as being sexy before. Getting her all flustered is kind of fun. This should be interesting.


The wedding had gone through smoothly. They had a simple ceremony in front of family and close friends and later hosted a luncheon for 300 guests, mainly business associates and partners.

Elizabeth had almost wanted to laugh during the exchange of the vows and rings. all those words had such a ring of falseness to her. Everything had actually been quite beautiful. When she was standing there saying her vows, she felt a wistful longing. This should have been with the man I love, if I ever managed to find one.

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