Thirty // Labor Day Weekend

Start from the beginning

Either way, I was dressing to impress. I decided on wearing one of the only sun dresses I had along with a cute headband. I've always liked to dress up for outings and this was no exception. Julie had told me that I looked like a little girl, but I liked it. I was hoping to flirt with a cute boy. I wouldn't go home with him or anything, I was just in the mood to flirt. I don't know if that makes me sound like a slut or a whore, but I couldn't care less.

After checking my makeup, I left the bathroom and started walking down the hallway. Mrs. Johnston was walking down the hallway with her daughter. "Caitlin! Are we going to play Barbie's sometime?" Kacey asked, grabbing onto me with her small, chubby hands. She was eight years old but so tiny, it was like she was six or seven.

"We can play tomorrow. We're going to the fair, remember?" I said, kneeing down so that I was eye level with her.

"Yeah, I remember. Maybe Liz can play, and Julie too. Liz played with me the day before you guys came." She said.

"Well I'm sure that she'd love to play with us. I'll go ask her and you go finish getting ready with your mommy." I said.

"Okay, but don't forget." Kacey said. I shook my head and told her that I wouldn't. She smiled before running off. Mrs. Johnston put her hand on my shoulder as I stood up and whispered thank you. I shrugged it off, telling her that I loved little kids and that Kacey was just adorable.

After our interaction I made my way to Liz's room, where her and Julie were arguing over the suntan lotion. They seemed to forget who had it last. Liz was jumping on the bed as she made her case and Julie wasn't paying much attention, painting her nails. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Instead of our fights being hostile and rude, they were like the quarrels sisters would have. I hope we grow close like that, for me to consider them as my sisters. I've always been an only child and having siblings could be excited.    

"Hey don't ignore me Julie Cornelia Willows. I know you can hear me. Where the h e double hockey sticks did you put the suntan lotion." Liz said, bouncing on the bed.

"And you know that I don't care, Elizabeth Marie Johnston. And for the last time, I don't know here it is." Julie said from her spot on the mattress. I stifled a laugh at her dry sarcasm.

"Liz, you're middle name is Marie?" I asked, looking through my beach bag.

"Yeah, why?" She asked, sitting down on her bed.

"Oh, no reason. It's pretty and it goes with your name." I said, digging through my bag. I felt a cool bottle at the bottom of my bag and I pulled it out, smiling when I saw what it was. "Hey girls, I found the suntan lotion."


"Liz, are you okay. You're looking  little green." Julie said as we climbed off the stairs from the exit of the ride, The Twister. It was one of the rides were they strap you in standing up and then spin you around in a circle as fast as they can. I was perfectly fine and so was Julie, but Liz was looking sick.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fi-" She cut herself off by placing her hand over her mouth. In the following minutes, she ran over to a trash can and released the contents of her stomach. I looked over at Julie in time to see her cringe. I withheld a laugh as I ran over to Liz and pulled her hair back for her.

After Liz stopped puking, and Julie disappeared, she stood straight up and spit into the garbage. This time I really let out a laugh, still not breathing through my noise. "You know, next time you shouldn't mix two sodas, a corndog, funnel cake, cotton candy, ice cream, a candy apple, and caramel popcorn all together." I said.

"Oh no," Liz shook her head, "I'll do it again. I'm sure of it." She said.

I laughed and rubbed her back as she spit into the trash can again. I looked around to see if anyone was watching the poor girl, luckily no one was. I did however, see Julie walking back with a small bag in her hand and a water bottle. She came closer as Liz looked up to see her.

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