Ninety Six // The Last Chapter

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Here is the last chapter; it's a little shorter than usual but yeah there you go



Liz's P.O.V

I sighed and leaned my head against my head, rubbing my temples. My head was aching and I was having some serious trouble concentrating on the homework that I was supposed to be doing. My tutor was expected the essay emailed to her by six o'clock tonight and with it being my last day off before our first concert in Japan, I really needed to get this done. I wish that I could've been exploring the city with Julie and Caitlin today but no, I really needed to finish this assignment.

I hated how I had to take classes. At first I didn't mind them so much, but it was beginning to get stressful. As much as I hated to admit it, I was thankful that the tour would be ending the night after tomorrow. It's going to be sad but at the same time, it'll be nice to see my family. I haven't seen them since the break and I was missing them terribly.

Plus the free time to do my homework would be nice as well.

Biting my lip, I carefully traced the yellow highlighter over the notes that I had taken the day before. As soon as the words were coated, I quickly began to cite them into my paper. I really was almost done, I just had the rest of my conclusion to write and then I'd be done. It would only be another few minutes and then I'd be able to meet the girls for dinner at the hotel's restaurant.

I was in the middle of trying to find a synonym for interchanging when there was a knock at the door. I barely looked up at the white door, picking up my notebook and reading it while hopping towards the door. "Who is it?" I called through the door, still reading through the notebook. It was easier to call than to look through the peephole when I'm trying to read through this. There had to be a synonym for it...

"It's your beloved boyfriend that you haven't seen since this morning." I heard Niall say through the door. With my attention on the notes, I opened the door and then slowly made my way back to the table that was sitting in the corner of the room. My books and loose pieces of papers were scattered around the table top, creating a look that would tell anybody that I was a college student.

"Close the door please." I said, sitting down and looking at my laptop.

"Nice to see you too." Niall laughed, shutting the door and then coming over to me. His arms slide around my shoulders and he hugged me from behind, pressing a kiss to the side of my face.

"Do you know a synonym for interchanging?" I asked, ignoring his sarcastic comment.

"You do know that I really only have a tenth grade education, I barely know what a synonym is."

"Yeah, neither do I. I guess Google will be my boyfriend from now on." I deadpanned, keeping my attention on the laptop. Niall faked a gasp and let me go. I laughed quietly, opening up Google and typing in my question. "Just kidding hun." I said after a few seconds.

"I suppose I'll let it go just this time." He laughed to himself, moving to sit down on the chair next to me.

"Transpose!" I yelled, my brain beginning to connect as my conclusion paragraph began to fit together.

"Synonym of interchange?" Niall asked.

"Mhm." I hummed, my fingers moving across the keyboard as I focused on my paper. Niall seemed to understand what I was doing and he left me alone to focus. Instead, he went on my phone. He was most likely hacking into my Twitter, but after the fifth time he did it, I didn't mind it too much.

Jay Cee ElHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin