Dancing Fireflies

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Dancing Fireflies

I was sitting before my bedroom window,

 Gazing into the night sky,

 When the stars put on a brilliant show.

They danced and leapt with desire,

 They shone with radiance

 Those bright, burning fires.

All of a sudden a chill ran up my spine,

 A weird feeling irked and bothered

 That formally calm mind of mine.

The moon looked utterly peculiar,

 It darkened and shrunk,

 What was happening I was not sure.

The moon appeared so meek,

 As it dropped out of the sky without confidence,

 It was fearfully weak.

In the distance I heard screams,

Had the moon crashed down upon earth?

I hoped everything wasn’t as it seemed.

All of a sudden my world went black,

And I succumbed to fear,

 For hope I mysteriously lacked.

I remember the awe in which I stood,

The way it crumpled and fell without struggle,

Like I knew nothing should.

 Now at night, the world lives in dark,

 Man’s actions have consequences,

 And our carelessness has left its mark.

 I remember the day before the moon fell out of the sky,

 The stars blazed with hope

 The graceful, dancing fireflies.

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