Thought It Was Just a Normal Evening, Did You?

Start from the beginning

I poked his chest with my free hand. “I wouldn’t have inadvertently thrown you  if you hadn’t decided to kiss me out of the blue!” I exclaimed. I was doing my best to glare at him, but my heart wasn’t in it at all.

“I’d go through worse to get more,” he grinned, placing a hand on top of my head.

Confused, I stared up at him quizzically. “What the he–” then it hit me. “You pervert!” I would have punched him, but in that moment he saw fit to shove me underwater.

Once I surfaced, I was fuming. “What was that for?” I screeched, shoving him.

His grin widened. “The bubbles were obstructing my view.”

“That doesn’t mean you need to shove my whole head underwater. I haven’t even started to wash my hair yet,” I grumbled, crossing my arms. At least I hadn’t tried to breathe in right as he’d dunked me.

“No, but you were about to hit me. It was self-defense,” he replied, pulling back. “Lift your leg for me?” He held out his hand expectantly.

I did so, yawning. Today’s stress was starting to catch up with me. Plus, he’d promised he wouldn’t do anything unless I did something first, so I felt relatively safe in handing over my body parts to him. “Maybe if you weren’t such a humongous perv I wouldn’t try to hit you all the time.”

He shook his head, applying the washcloth to my foot. “You enjoy my innuendos just as much as I do, don’t kid yourself.” The slight coarse texture of the cloth on my skin was making it hard not to giggle, something that hardly portrayed how I felt about his jokes accurately.

But I couldn’t help myself. As he traveled up my leg, I started laughing helplessly. Of course, by that time, he’d noticed my reaction and was only making it worse by actually tickling me. I smacked at him, trying to make him stop, but it seemed that my attempts at fighting only made him more eager to attack me. I was flailing, trying to flee from his hands, but to no avail. I ended up breathless, weak, and at his mercy.

“A–adrian! Stop!” my throat choked on the words, making them sound garbled and unintelligible. I could barely understand myself, and I knew what I wanted to say. The lack of oxygen making it into my lungs may have had something to do with it though.

Never mind that his hands felt wonderful on my skin regardless of what they were doing, I just loved breathing a little bit more than I loved him. “I– I can’t breathe!” If he was trying to make me pass out, it was working.

He ignored me, switching to my other leg despite my protests. His hands ghosted across my skin, too fast for me to see properly. Though maybe I was starting to pass out– I couldn’t tell which. I was having severe trouble thinking properly.

Then again, around Adrian, I always had issues doing any sort of work that involved using my brain. Well, not all the time, but definitely whenever he wanted to distract me. Right now would be a very good example of that. He was lucky the lack of air made it hard to move, otherwise I’d be punching him like there was no tomorrow.

“You know, having you here like this reminds me of the days we spent back in your room,” he said suddenly, dropping my legs. “It’s hard for me not to reminisce about the time we spent in that shower of yours.”

It took me a moment to catch my breath and figure out what he was on about. I sat up, blushing furiously. “Yeah, that’s not happening, sweetheart. I’ve had enough for one day.” Oh, I remembered those showers too, a little too well if the time I’d spent in them after Adrian had ‘died’ was any indication. Those memories were recent enough that I had no desire to have them replaced by him.

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