20 questions ft. Isabella Faith

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Mom and I have been doing great since we made up. We haven't fought and everything has been back to normal. I still don't have my phone or most of my privileges back but I'm still having fun with mom and Bella.

I'm laying on moms shoulder when the door unlocks and swings open.

"Daddy!!" Bella yells and runs to Justin.

"Hey baby!" Justin says as he drops his things and picks her up.

Mom and I get up and walk over to him.

"Hey Nikky!" He says and hugs me.

"Everything alright now?" He asks.

"Yup!" I say and smile at mom who smiles back at me.

"Good." He says and smiles. "Hey babe." Justin says and kisses her.

"It's about time that you make it to me." Mom says in a sarcastic tone.

"It's okay I'll make it up to you later." He says which makes me cringe.

"How was the rest of filming?" Mom asks.

"It was great. How's this one doing?" Justin says and rubs moms slightly grown belly.

"I think we are doing well." Mom says and smiles.

We look down at Bella who looks confused.

"What in mommy's belly?" She asks.

Damn she's a smart kid.

Mom looks at Justin with a 'should we tell her' look and Justin nods.

"Well I have a baby in my belly. That means that you are going to be a big sister like Nicole is to you." Mom says with a smile.

"There a baby in mommy belly?" She asks.

"Yeah. You came from in there too. And so did Nic." Mom says.

"Oh! I gonna be a big sister too!" Bella yells running to me.

"I know and you are going to have so much fun!" I say.

"Is baby a girl?" She asks.

"Well we don't know yet. We have to wait until the baby gets bigger and then we can tell." Mom says.

"Oh. Well when it gonna come out?" She asks.

Damn she asks a lot of questions.

"It's going to be a while." Mom laughs as she goes and sits on the couch with Justin.

"How it get there?" She asks as she lays her head on moms belly.

I can tell that mom doesn't know what to say. She didn't have to explain this to me when she got pregnant with Bella.

Of course mom isn't going to explain sex to a almost 3 year old. So she just says "Daddy put the baby in there." Which seems to answer her questions because she finally stops asking them.

"Well I guess I should go unpack my things since 20 questions by Isabella Faith is over." Justin laughs.

"I'll come and help" mom says and starts to pick up a heavy bag.

"No I'll get that. You can carry this." Justin says and hands her a small purse size bag.

"Okay" mom sighs knowing that Justin isn't gonna let her lift anything anymore.

*Jens POV*

As we get in to our room. I close the door and put Justin's stuff down. As I'm about to start unpacking his things, he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm happy that everything turned out well in the end." Justin says.

"Me too." I say. But then I remember what I've wanted to ask him since he went back to filming.

"Justin, are you happy that we are having another baby?" I ask in a very serious tone.

Justin starts to take his arms away from my waist and I get a tiny feeling that he doesn't want to talk about it.

But to my surprise, he actually puts his arms on my shoulders and turns me around to face him.

He stares deep into my eyes and says "babe I'm very happy. Sure he or she may not have been planned but I know that we are going to love them with all our hearts." Justin says with the most heart warming smile.

"That made me feel a lot better." I smile.

"Did you really think that I would be mad?" Justin laughs.

"I'm not sure. Ive been having so many doubts lately." I say.

"Well stop doubting. Just rest. Okay?" Justin smiles.

"Okay." I say looking at anything but his face.

Justin takes this as and opportunity to kiss me. First it's light but gets more passionate.

"I missed you." I say and smile and Justin.

"I missed you too babe." He smiles.

*Nicole's POV*

Mom and Justin go upstairs so I stay with Bella.

"What does baby look like in mommy belly?" Bella asks.

Here we go with the questions again.

"Well the baby is pretty small and we don't have any pictures yet. But we do have pictures of you." I say as I pull out Bella's baby book from the bookshelf.

I open the book up to the first page where the black and white ultrasound pictures are.

"See Bella, that's you!" I say and point to the pictures.

"That me?" She asks with the most curious tone.

"Yeah!" I say.

"I tiny!" She says and points to the pictures.

She sits there for another 20 minutes flipping through the book and pointing out everything.

*Justin's POV*
Jen and I walk downstairs and see Nicole and Bella crouched around Bella's baby book.

It's cute to see how much Bella is interested in this whole baby situation.

I happy that in the end, everyone is happy and we are a family again.

And I do know that this baby is going to be so loved.

Omg guys this is the 50th part! I can't believe that I started this book a little less than a year ago!
Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Love you guys ;)

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