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*Jens POV*
*flash back*
"So Jennifer, you have a threatened miscarriage." The doctor says to me. "So did I lose the baby?" I ask with watery eyes.

Before he answers, I think. If he says no, than I get to add on to the family and have another beautiful baby with the man I love. But if he says yes, I don't have to worry about about upsetting one of the most important persons to me, Nicole. But I would have to live with the guilt of killing my unborn child.

It seems like it would be okay on both sides of this situation but it's not. I upset myself and or I upset someone else.

"The baby is fine and healthy." The doctor says with a smile.

I just nod with no emotion.

I'm not worried about Justin's reaction. I'm not worried about the world finding out. Im not worried about the baby. I'm worried about Nicole. She doesn't want this and we are already in a fight. I don't want to make anything worse.

I realize that during my thinking, the doctor left.

And without even noticing, I start to cry.

All the sudden, Justin walks in and literally runs to my side.

"Jen! Are you alright? What's wrong?" He says and holds my hand. I take my hand away and hold out both my arms to tell him that I want a hug.

He hugs me and looks at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Wheres Nicole?" Is the only thing I ask. "She said that she causes too much stress, so she's only gonna come if you want her here." Justin says sadly.
This is what has been replaying in my mind since the visit to the hospital.

I want to forgive Nicole so much. She helped me get to the hospital to make sure that I was safe even though she hated me at that point. But I can't come to forgive her because of how this all started, when she went to the party and yelled at me. And because of some of the harsh things she said to me.

It's been two days since the incident. Justin is reluctantly back filming. He didn't want to leave because of the whole current situation with Nicole and the baby, but I told him that it's my situation, I could handle it, the baby and I are fine, and the movie isn't going to finish filming itself. So he took my word for it and left.

Nicole mostly keeps her distance from me and doesn't really talk to me unless she has to.

I'm sitting on the couch when there a knock at the door.

I get up and answer it and I can't believe who is standing there.

"Why the hell are you here? Are you trying to steal my kid? Are you trying to be her mother?" I say with anger.

"Well I'm trying to be there for her unlike you." Angelina says.

"Do you not understand what she's done? This isn't your battle so stay out of it!" I say.

"No. Nicole, are you ready?" She yells in my house which she has no right to do.

"Angelina, listen to me. You don't know what has happened in the last few days. Do you?" I ask.

"No but that's what she wants to talk about with me." She says then calls Nicole again who then comes running down the stairs.

Bella also comes running towards Nicole.

"Mommy who that?" She asks pointing to Angelina.

"No one honey." I say as I pick her up and shoot a glare at Angelina.

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