The Change

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I'm confused. Why did he just walk away? Is that all he wanted? My mind raced with thoughts. I looked at mom. She had the same puzzled expression I did. She came over and sat down next to me. "We need to solve this. I need answers. I'm tired of being sad and I'm tired of being mad. I want a happy family again." I say to mom. "ok then let's call him and solve this now." She says. I smile and agree. The phones ringing

B=Brad J=Jennifer N=Nicole

J= hi Brad it's me and Nicole. We need to talk to you
B= about what
N= we want this problem solved. I'm your daughter and I know that you want to make things right again so let's do it. Lets be a family without problems.
B= So do you want to stay with me again or something?
N= Well I was thinking that we could all hang out together and make things good between us. like mom, Justin, you, Angelina, your kids and me. I will start staying with you again and we will see how it goes. But I want to be forced to go every week I want it to be my choice . I don't want to have this heavy weight on me anymore.
J= I agree with Nicole.
B= I do too. We could have a cook out. And then Nicole could stay for the weekend. does Friday work?
J= Yeah it works Justin will get home tomorrow so he will be home on time to make it. Do you want to do that Nicole?
N= yeah that works
B=ok cool see you then
J= ok bye
N= bye
*phone call ends*
"Im happy with the way that phone call ended." Mom said. "me too" I replied. we spent the rest of the day cleaning up for Justin's arrival. We had dinner and then we fell asleep watching movies.
It was the next morning. Justin's flight got in at 10:00 me and mom ate breakfast and got ready. I wore jean shorts and a floral shirt. I put on light makeup. I wanted to keep it simple. My mom did the same. Then we got in the car and headed to the airport.
We got to the airport and waited for Justin's plane to arrive. 10 mins later it arrived. We saw Justin get off and mom ran to him. I ran after him too. This happens every time he comes home or mom comes home. we run, we hug, we say we love each other and then Justin and mom kiss. After our routine we got back in the car and made our way home. We talked about our plans for Friday and he thought that it was a great idea so I was happy.

The rest of the car ride I kinda zoned out. I was thinking about Friday. What's going to happen? If something happens on Friday then my weekend isn't going to be great either.

We got to the house. it was about 11:00. We spent about an hour talking about Justin's trip and what happened here while he was gone. by the it was dinner time. Everyone was hungry so we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Nothing really happened at dinner we just talked. And when we were finished we went home.

When I got home I wasn't tired so I sat down and I turned on the tv. My mom and Justin sat down on the other couch and started kissing. "Chill out! You could of just told me to go upstairs and I would of been ok with it." I said. "ok then, Nicole go upstairs." mom says. they both laugh. "ok just don't get too wild." I say jokingly and run upstairs. I ended up falling asleep right away which was surprising.

I woke up the next day and went down stairs. Justin was making breakfast and my mom was sitting on the couch. I sat down next to her. "good morning" said mom."good morning" I say back. "so we need to leave here by 3:00 because the cookout starts at 3:30." says mom. "ok. So it's just gonna be us right." I ask. "yes just us". Mom replies. I say ok and then walk up to Justin. "good morning Jus." I say. "Good morning Nic." he says . "What ya making." I ask. "Bacon, waffles, and coffee." Justin replies. And hands me a plate with food and a cup of coffee. ( I know what your thinking. Yes I drink coffee). We enjoy our food as a family. Once we are done mom tells me to get ready and pack a bag for the weekend. So I go upstairs and pack. I take a shower and then I put on some shorts and a tie dye shirt. I pack all of my clothes and then I put my sunglasses, phone, and charger in my purse.

After everyone was ready we ate lunch and then we went shopping for things to bring to the party. And after a couple of hours we were there.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please tell me how you like it and I will update asap because if I was you I wouldn't want to wait for the next chapter. Love you guys 😘😘

Jen Aniston's daughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora