Time with the Pitts

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I get a phone call from my dad. So I answer it.

N= hello
B= hey Nicole
N= hey dad. What's up
B= we were wondering if you would like to come over and stay this weekend.
N= yeah but I have to ask mom.
(I go and ask mom.)
N= she said yes. She's gonna bring me over sometime around 1:00 today
B=ok see you then. Love you
N=love you too

I look at the time and it's 11. We just ate lunch.

This is the first time that I'm going back to dads house since he came and apologized to us.

I get up and get ready to go. I do my hair in a side braid and do my make up. I put on a teal colored crop top and some high waisted shorts. Then I pack a few things but I don't pack too much because I have clothes there.

"NIKKY YOU READY?" Mom yells from downstairs. "COMING." I yell. I grab my book bag and run downstairs.

"Justin is coming?" I ask. "Yeah because after we drop you off I'm going to the doctors to get a check up on the baby." Mom says. I nod and walk to the car with mom and Justin.

We get there around 1:15. I get out with mom and Justin, walk to the door, and ring the doorbell.

"Hi Nicole!" Dad says as he opens the door. I walk up to him and give him a hug. He hugs mom too as we walk in.

"NICOLE!!" All the kids scream as they run over to me and hug me. "Hey guys!" I say and hug them back. Angelina walks in behind them. "Hi Nicole. How are you?" Angelina asks. "Good!" I say with a smile.

"Do you guys have time to say and chat or do you have to leave?" Dad asks. "We have a little time to talk." Mom says as we go and sit on the couch. "Congratulations on the baby Jen." Angelina says. "Thanks." Mom says. "How far along are you?" Angelina asks. "7 months." Mom says with a smile.

Angelina and mom go on and on about baby stuff and we get tired. So me and the kids go upstairs to my room. "Do you guys want to do something fun?" I say with with a smirk. "Yeah, but what?" Maddox asks. "Do you want to pull a prank on your mom and dad?" I ask. "Yeah" they all scream. But I get interrupted by a voice calling my name.

I walk downstairs and see mom and Justin. "We're about to go Nicole." Mom says. I walk over and hug mom and Justin. "Bye." I say. And mom and Justin leave.

"Who wants to go swimming?"Angelina asks. All the kids say they do and run upstairs to get changed, so I follow.

I take off my makeup and change into my black bikini. I hear tons of knocks on my door. I open it and Zahara, Shiloh, and Vivienne pile in. "What's up?" I ask as they get up off the floor. "We just want you to hurry up." They say as they get up. "You guys are funny." I say as I walk downstairs with them.

When we get out to the pool Maddox, Pax, and Knox are already in the pool. And Angelina and dad are sitting next to the pool talking. The girls jump in and I decided to sit and talk with dad and Angie.

We talk for w few seconds until my phone rings. It's Adam. Me and Adam have been talking since I left Cabo and we have hung out very few times but we FaceTime a lot. And he now knows that Justin isn't actually my father. But he doesn't know about my whole situation with my dad.

N= Hello?
A= Hey Nicole its Adam
N= oh hey Adam!
A= what are you doing?
N= I'm at my dads, hanging out by the pool.
A= oh cool. Well I will let you get back to that. Have fun.
N= ok thanks.
A= love you
N= love you too.

I hang up and everybody is frozen and staring at me. "What" I ask as I put my phone down. "Awe my ladybug has a boyfriend!" Dad says. "Dad." I say embarrassed. "That's so cute." Angelina adds. "Nikky has a boyfriend!" All the kids in the pool chant repeatedly. I just sit there looking embarrassed." Guys please stop." I say. "Sorry but you have a boyfriend!" Maddox chants. "What's his name again?" Angelina asks. "Adam." I blush. "Awe she's blushing!" Dad says. "Stop it guys!"I say. "Aright guys stop it." Angelina says. I turn towards her and flash her a smile.

I get in the pool and play around with the kids for awhile. We decide to do a cannon ball contest in the deep end of the pool. "Mommy, daddy can you be the judges?" Zahara asks. They both agree and we get in a line. We jump one at a time until we all have jumped. Dad and Angelina talk in private for a little bit until they come back with an answer.

"Nicole wins!l they both shout. "Yesssss!" I say. "What I thought I would win" Knox says. "Well Nicole was a little better. But you did really good too baby!" Angelina says to Knox. Knox just nods and gets back in the pool with the rest of us.

Dad orders pizza because he doesn't feel like cooking. So we all get out of the pool and dry off before the pizza comes.

Soon the pizza comes so we get up and sit at the long table inside and eat. We chat for awhile until we are all done.

"Let's go take showers!" Angelina says. So we all go upstairs and shower.

After I'm done showering I change into my pajamas and text my mom.

Nicole~ hey I'm just checking in. How is the baby?

Mom~ good! The baby is healthy but I don't feel the best. :(

Nicole~ that sucks that you don't feel good. I hope you feel better soon! And I'm happy the baby is healthy.

Mom~ thanks. Are you having fun?

Nicole~ yeah I'm having a pretty good time.

Mom~ well that's good! I love you.

Nicole~ love you too bye.

That's when I hear tons of knocks at my door. I open my door and all 6 of my siblings are in my room. "What's up guys?" I say. "We want to plan the prank." Maddox says. "Oh yeah. I forgot about that." I say. " well I was thinking that Vivienne, Knox, and me will come into your mom and dads room early in the morning and say that we think there is something or someone downstairs. And the rest of you can go downstairs and knock things over and pretend that you are the person in the house." I say. They all like the idea so we start planning right away.

We get everything planned out. And soon after Angelina comes in. "I think it's time for you guys to get some sleep." Angelina says. So they get up and leave.

I get in bed and set my alarm for 3:00 in the morning so we can pull the prank.

My alarm goes off at 3. I get up and meet the others outside. We split up into groups. Maddox, Pax, and Zahara go downstairs.

Once we get to the door to the bedroom I text Maddox and tell them to start knocking things over.

Me and the twins run in dad and Angelina's room. "Dad!" I say as a shake him. "We think there is someone downstairs. We hear crashes and stuff!" Knox says. Dad wakes up and tells Angelina. He gets up and we follow behind him and Angelina.

The kids are in the kitchen so we slowly walk around to the kitchen. Angelina and dad look scared to death. Until they turn the corner and see that it's just the kids.

We all burst out laughing except dad and Angelina. " that was not funny you guys!" Dad says with a straight face. "What if there was a real burglar or something. That's not something to joke around about. And you made a huge mess!" Angelina says. She's obviously really mad. "Who's idea was this." Dad asks. Me and the kids agreed not to rat anybody out if they asked this question so nobody said a word.

"Well since no one is going to own up to this you all have to clean this up. And when it's done you go to bed. We will have a punishment for all of you tomorrow." Dad says in a firm voice.

They walk upstairs and we start cleaning. Once we hear there door close I speak up. "Sorry guys. I though they would think that this was funny". "It's ok Nicole. But it was funny." Shiloh says. They all nod. "Good work everyone." I say as I put my hand out for high fives. They all give me a high five and we start to clean.

I learned two things that night. I learned that Dad and Angie are not good people to prank. And that this having a little sister thing, is going to be fun.

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