Hawaii Trip (part two)

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I wake up to a knock at Adams door. I look at Adam and he gets up and opens the door.

"Adam have you seen Nicole she's not......." Mom stops talking and looks at me. Her and Justin walk in. "What are you doing in his room. And why are you in his bed?" Mom asks. Both Justin and mom are staring at me. I don't answer right away.

"Wait! Did you two have sex?!?!" Mom asks. "No, no, no!!" Adam and me say. Mom sighs in a little bit of relief.

"Well why are you in his room?" Justin asks. "After our date last night we just cuddled in bed and fell asleep. And that's all that happened." I say.

Before they can say anything else I walk out of the room. I go over and hold Bella and hope that they aren't mad.

They come running after me. "Don't be mad at me!" I say. "Don't be mad at you? Of course I'm mad at you! Your only 15!" Mom says. "Yeah but weren't you the one that had the sex talk with me yesterday!" I say. Mom pauses for a second and lowers her voice. "Yes but you know that I didn't want you to do it. But I don't have the power to stop you. And if you did, I just wanted you to be safe." Mom says.

"I still don't understand why your mad tho!" I raise my voice. "Because that could of gone farther. And I told you not to sleep in the same bed with him because you have a bed!" Mom says.

I look over to see Adam peeking out of the door. We slowly walks inside and shuts the door.

"This is so stupid!" I yell. I put my sister down and run to my room. I slam the door. And lock it. I run to my bed and lay there.

*Adam's POV*
I am sitting on my bed when I hear Nicole yelling and a door slam.

I can't help but feel bad for Nicole. I kind of feel like it's my fault. I love Nicole so much and I hate to see her like that.

What if Jen and Justin don't want us to be together anymore! My head races with thoughts until I hear I knock at my door.

"Adam! Can I come in?" Jen asks. "Come in." I say. She sits next to me starts to talk.

"I'm sorry for freaking out on you two earlier." She says. "No. I get it. And I'm really sorry about it." I say. "It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't have sex and it was just cuddling." Jen says. "So we can still be together?" I ask. "Of course! You make her so happy and I don't want to take that away from her. " Jen says. I smile at her. "Just don't do it again." She laughs. "Trust me we won't." I assure her.

She smiles and leaves.

*Jens POV*
I walk out of Adams room and sit on the couch. I put my face in my hand think. "How did it go in there." Justin asks. "Fine. He understands where I'm at right now."I say. Justin sits next to me and I start to cry. "Don't cry. It will be alright." Justin says.

"I feel bad that I yelled at Nicole. I probably would of done that as 15 years old. I feel like I should just be happy that they didn't have sex. But I told her before that she has her own bed."I sob.

"It's okay Jen. She's fine and Adam is fine. Don't worry." Justin says. "She's definitely growing up." I say as I wipe my tears way. "She really is." Justin says.

*Justin's POV*
Jen decides to get up and try to talk to her. She walks over to the door and I watch.

"Nicole want to talk to you." Jen says. "Go away! I don't want to talk to you at all!" She snaps back. She try's to open the door but it's locked.

She comes back and sits down. "Can you try." She asks. I nod and walk to the door. "Nicole, its Justin. Can you please let me in?" I ask.

*Nicole's POV*
I hear Justin but I just sit in silence. "Nicole please!" Justin says. I get up and let him in. He closes the door behind him and sits with me.

"Why did mom yell at me? I didn't do anything bad!" I ask. "I think your growing up to fast for her. But at the same time you knew that it was wrong." Justin says.

I sit in silence and think about what he just said. "Just be more careful next time." Justin says as he moves my hair from my face. I smile at him. "Thanks for being there for me." I say to Justin. "Your welcome." He smiles.

"Let's go see your mom." Justin says. I hesitate but get up.

I walk out and see mom and Adam on the couch. I sit next to mom and we hug. "I'm sorry" I whisper. "It's okay. Just stop growing up so fast!" Mom whispers back.

Adam walks over to me. "I love you." He says "I love you too. But we are staying in our own beds tonight." I laugh. We all laugh and mom smiles at me. Letting me know that I made her happy.

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