Hawaii trip (part three)

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"Good morning babe!" I say as I walk into Adams room. "Good morning!" He says as he gets up. I walk over to his window and look at the beautiful view. He turns me around and kisses me. "I love you!" He says. "I love you too!" I says. "Hey do you want breakfast?" I ask. "Yeah!" He says.

We walk out of his room and walk to the kitchen. "Good morning Adam!" Mom says. "Good morning Jennifer!" He says.

We grab some food and sit at the table. We start to eat and Justin comes out of his and moms room. "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!" Justin shouts. Before anyone can respond Bella starts to cry. "Great job Justin! You woke up the baby!" I say sarcastically. Mom and Adam laugh and Justin picks up Bella.

"Good morning Bella! Did I wake you up?" Justin asks Bella in a baby voice. Justin takes Bella to the fridge and gives her a bottle. Then sits at the table with us.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask. "Well I was thinking that we could go to the private beach so we can avoid paparazzi." Mom says. "Sounds like fun!" I say. "Yeah!" Adam says. "And maybe you two can watch Bella tonight while we go out." Mom asks. I look at Adam and he nods. "Okay that's fine." I say. "Thanks guys!" Mom and Justin say. "No problem!" Adam says.

Once we finish eating, we get ready for the beach. I put on my red bikini and my sundress. I pack my beach bag and walk out to the living room. Where everybody is waiting.

"Are you guys ready?" Justin asks. We all nod and start to leave. I take Bella in my arms and we walk down to the beach.

Once we get to the beach, we lay out our towels. Me and mom sun tan while Justin and Adam play with Bella by the water.

"So where are you guys going tonight?" I ask mom. "We are going to that fancy restaurant down the street. Then go to a few bars." Mom says. I just nod.

"And thanks again for watching Bella for us." Mom says. "No problem." I say.

That's the last thing we can say before we are both picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder.

"ADAM!" I yell. "JUSTIN!" Mom yells. They walk us to the water and drop us into the cold water. "YOU JERKS!" Me and mom both yell. They just laugh.

"Wait, where's Bella?" Mom asks. Justin points to a tent that we put up. She's sleeping with her little hat and sunglasses on.

Then Justin puts mom on his shoulders and Adam puts me on this.

"Is this a chicken fight?" I ask. "Yup!" Mom says as she puts her hands out and try's to push us over.

Justin looks up and winks at me. I nod slightly push mom. Justin drops her into the water and we all laugh. "Why did you drop me?" Mom asks laughing. "Nicole's hit was just too strong!" Justin says sarcastically. Justin and I laugh and high five each other. "Whatever." Mom says and splashes all of us.

We eat lunch on the beach and tan some more until it starts to get late.

I take a shower and get dressed. Then give Bella a bath so mom and Justin can just get ready for there night.

I walk out of my room with Bella in my arms. Mom and Justin are sitting on the couch with Adam.

"So you did give Bella a bath. Thank you!" Mom says. "Your welcome! Where are her clothes?" I ask. "In the mini suitcase in our room" Justin says. "Okay." I say as I'm about to walk in the room mom stops me. "We are gonna go so bye." Mom says as she kisses me on my forehead. "Bye Adam bye Nicole." Justin says as he hugs me and walks out the door with mom.

"Well I'm gonna go change her." I say. Adam nods and comes in to help change her. "So what bag where her clothes in again. I totally wasn't paying attention when Justin told me." I laugh. Adam shrugs his shoulders. "Your such a big help baby!" I joke. "Thanks." He jokes back. "Well I guess we look through all of them." I say.

We start to look in the biggest suitcase. Looking back at it, that was the stupidest idea ever. (It would of been smarter to look in the smallest one since her clothes are so small. But of course we didn't look in that one.)

We open it and start to look through the clothes. Adam finds a box and immediately throws it on the ground. "Why did you do that?!" I ask. "It was a box of condoms!!!" Adam says. "Oh. I can't get mad at you for that" I laugh.

We finally look in the small one and find all of her stuff. "Wow we are stupid" Adam laughs. "I know" I laugh back.

We change Bella and go out to the living room. We feed her and play with her for awhile until she starts to fall asleep.

While she is sleeping in my arms, Adam moves her play pen into my room so we can stay in the living room and watch shows without her waking up.

Once she's asleep in my room we sit down and start to watch a movie.

All the sudden the door opens and mom and Justin are making out. "Well hello you two." I say. They stop and look at me. "Hey they are still awake!" Justin slurs.

I look at Adam and whisper in his ear. "They are totally drunk! This should be fun." I whisper. "Wait where's our baby?" Mom slurs. "She's in my bedroom sleeping." I say. Mom nods and there's random silence.

Mom looks down on the table and finds a sharpie. "Look!" Mom says and holds up the sharpie . "Let me give you a tattoo!" Mom slurs. "Okay!" Justin says very excited. Mom just draws random squiggly lines. Then Justin does moms and he does a really messed up cat face.

"Do you like it?" Mom asks. Adam and I both start to laugh and nod. "Why are you laughing?" Mom slurs. "Um, because..you...did it so well that it's funny." I say hoping that she buys it. "Oh okay." She laughs.

"Adam can I talk to you in your room for a second?" I ask. "Yeah." He says and we go into his room.

"When they are drunk we can literally ask them to do anything and they will say yes." I smirk. "Why can't we just do whatever." Adam asks. "Because in the morning if they find out we will have a reason as to why we did it." I say. "That makes sense. So what do you want to do?" Adam asks. "We could ask to drink? Or we can ask to sleep in the same bed." I smirk. "How about both?" Adam asks. "Good with me." I say as I kiss him and we walk out.

Mom is sitting at the table and Justin is making drinks. I walk up to Justin. "Justin, can we have some of that." I ask pointing at that glasses. Justin looks at mom. She just shrugs. "Sure." He says. We take the drinks and he makes new ones.

I take my we take our first sip and cough a little. "Dang Justin this is strong!" I say. "Well that's how we like it." Justin slurs.

We keep on drinking and I enjoy every sip. "Are you sure that you don't want to slow down." Adam asks. "Adam I'm fine." I say. "Well you have already had three." He says. "Yeah but you had two." I say. Adam just shuts up and gets another of both of us.

"So mom. Can me and Adam sleep in the same bed?" I ask. "Sure" mom says as she takes a sip of her drink. I smile at Adam and he smiles back.

After awhile mom and Justin make drinks and make out as they go into there room.

"Awkward!" Me and Adam say in unison. And we both laugh. We are pretty drunk already.

I take out my phone and send Meghan a picture of my drink with the caption 'guess who's drinking before you!' I laugh at it and turn my phone off.

"You wanna go to bed?" Adam asks. I nod and grab my pajamas from my room and change. It takes me awhile because I'm falling all over.

I walk in and Adam is sitting on the bed. I join him and we start to kiss. They get more and more passionate. And before anything could go any further I come to my senses. "Adam I can't." I say. He nods and we just snuggle up. And kiss.

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