Questions need answers

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The car ride home was silent. the only sound that was made was crying. Mom was upset. I was too. But I was also mad. Why did I have to see him again? Why did he call me ladybug? All the anger of him leaving piled up inside of me, but came out in sadness.

When we got home me and mom just cuddled up on the couch together. I wanted to be there for her. After a couple minutes of cuddling, Justin got home. And walked around the corner only to see us crying. "Why are my two favorite women crying?" Justin asked. I could see that mom was trying to respond but when she started to talk more tears came out and it got hard to understand her. "We were at the mall today when we saw Brad and Angelina. Brad being the jerk that he is called me ladybug out of the blue. I got mad and went off on him. But mom seeing Brad brings back all of the memories that she spent years trying to throw away." I reply.

Justin goes over to mom and try's to calm her down. "I'm sorry about this baby. But you can't let that bring you down anymore." "But it's hard Justin. We were together for years. And at that time I felt like nothing could separate us. But when we split I was left alone with a child. And I felt like I wouldn't have another chance at love." my mom responded. "But you have me baby. And we are a happy family together." Then we all got up and had a big group hug. We spent the rest of the night playing games and keeping our minds off of what had happened earlier.

I woke up to the sound of my mom talking on the phone in a loud and irritated voice. If I step out of my room I know that she will stop talking and go somewhere that I can't hear so I get up and sit next to my door so I can hear.
"She doesn't want to stay with you anymore. She hasn't stayed with you for 5 years. What makes you think that she would want to. You could see that she was mad at you the other day so why do you want her to stay with you?" My mom responds
I realize that it's my father.
"Ok, fine. You can try. See you then."
I wait for about 10 minutes and don't go downstairs because I don't want mom to know that I was listening. I walk downstairs. Mom looks at me and motions for me to come to her. "I need to tell you something. So your dads coming over to sort stuff out. He wants you to start staying with him on the weekends again." she explains. "But you know that I don't want to." I say . "but he wants you to say it to him and he wants to know why." I look at her and agree to see him but I'm not promising anything.

We get ready and we get the house ready. Justin left for New York early this morning for a movie. A hour later my dad shows up. He alone. He's not with Angelina or his kids. That's a relief. Then he rings on the door bell. My mom gets up and Answers. "hello Brad." my mom says with a straight face. "hello Jen." He says as he walks inside and over to me.
"Why did you come?" I ask like I don't know. "why don't you want to stay with me?" He asks. "You don't need me like mom. You have Angelina. You have other children. You didn't need me. Mom was alone for all this time. And when she met Justin we were happy as a family and I learned not to need you anymore." I answer his question. "ok" he says as he gets up and leaves.
|A~N| - I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am really busy because it's the end of the school year and I have all my tests. but I will update as soon as possible. thanks for all the nice feed back 😘

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