Babysitting gone wrong

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"Nicole are you sure that you can handle this?" Mom asks "we will stay home if you can't."

Isabella is now 2 months old. Mom and Justin are going out for the first time without her.

"Mom I will be fine. Meghan is coming over to help so I won't be alone." I say. "Ok but just remember bottles are in the fridge, diapers and wipes are in the diaper bag, and there is money on the counter for if you guys want pizza." Mom says. "I got it mom." I say.

Just then to door bell rings. "Hey Meg!" I say as I open the door. "Hey Nikky!" She says as she gives me a hug.

"Thank you so much for coming over and helping Meghan."  Mom says. "Your welcome." Meghan says.

"Guys your gonna be late to dinner." I say to mom and Justin. "Ok just remember to call us if anything goes wrong. And if we don't answer call Court." Mom says. "Ok mom I got it." I say. "Ok love you." Mom says as she and Justin give me hug. "Love you too." I say as they walk out the door.

Once the door is shut i look at Meghan. "Finally!" I say and we both laugh.

"So where's your sister?" Meghan asks. "She's upstairs sleeping." I say as I show her the baby monitor. "Oh well do you wanna watch a movie until she wakes up?" Meghan asks. "Sure. Pick out a movie." I say even tho I know what movie she is going to pick out. She picks up We're the Millers (Her favorite movie) and puts it in the DVD player. Then we start it.

About 15 minutes into it, Bella starts to cry. "Right when it was about to get to the good part." Meghan laughs. "Well you can stay down here and watch it. But I have to go get her." I say. Meghan nods and I run up the stairs.

I'm upstairs changing Bella when the door bell rings. "CAN YOU GET THAT MEG?" I yell. "YEAH I GOT IT!" She yells back.

I finish changing Bella and carry her downstairs so I can get a bottle. I look up and sitting on the couch is Adam. "Hey Nikky." Adam says. I smile and give Bella to Meghan. "Hi!" I say as I run over and hug him. "I haven't seen you in person for over 3 months!" I say.  "Yeah it's been awhile." He says as he kisses me.

"So this is the one and only Bella that you have been talking about." Adam says. "Yeah this is baby Isabella." I say taking her from Meghan. "Hi Bella! I'm your sisters boyfriend, Adam." He laughs. I give him a slight punch and laugh with him.

I walk to the kitchen to get a bottle and heat it up. And Adam follows. So where's your mom and Justin?" He asks as I pull the bottle out of the microwave. "They are at dinner. It's there first time without Isabella." I say as I walk back and sit on the couch to feed Bella. "Oh that's good that they trust you." Adam says. "Yeah I guess you could say that."

"So Adam are you hungry?" I ask as Bella finishes her bottle. "Sure." He says. "My mom left money for pizza. Is pepperoni okay?" I ask as I put Bella in Her swing and wash her bottle out. "Yeah. That's fine." He says.

We order the pizza and soon after it arrives. Meghan takes the pizza while I get the money and pay for it.

Meghan takes the pizza and puts it on the counter. We all get plates and take our pizza.

"So what do you guys want to do?" I say as I sit on the couch and start to eat. "Well I wanna watch my favorite movie." Meghan says as she picks up the remote. "Okay that's fine with me. Is it okay with you if we watch We're the Millers?" I ask looking at Adam. "Yeah I love that movie." He says with a smile.

We finish our pizza about another 15 more minutes into the movie. We take our plates into the kitchen. Right when we put the plates in the sink Bella starts crying.

We all run out to the living room so we can find out what's wrong. I pick her up and I tell Meghan to heat up a bottle. Meghan nods and runs into the kitchen. While me and Adam go upstairs.

Jen Aniston's daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें