Cooking - Preference

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You guys both do the cooking, but its mostly you becuase he works late often. 


He cooks, you can't cook compared to how amazing his cooking is. 


You cook, he's terrible. He burns toast every time. 


Luke barely knows how to cook, he also requests blue bantha milk when getting that is impossible when your not on Tatooine. You do the cooking unless its pancakes, that is the only thing he knows how to make.


Both of you cook, usually her. 


He might be the greatest pilot in the resistance, but boy that man cannot cook to save someones life. So you do the cooking and try and teach him.


He loves to bake, anything; cupcakes, cake, brownies, bread, ect. He's also an amazing cook, so you let him do most of it. 


Lets just say she doesn't know how to cook anything unless its in a pouch and you just add water. You do cooking, trying to teach her how to cook. 

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