Dance Allows Your Dreams To Speak - Anakin Skywalker

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(I found wifi so i could post this!! Sweden is great and i'm having such a great time with my friends) 

TW: None

Summary: Anakin and the reader dance at the senators ball and fall in love. 

(A/N: I thought this was a very cute idea) 

The senators ball was tonight and you and other Jedi padawan were selected to guard the event but also blend in. You and a group of 15 people were chosen, that includes Anakin. The guy every girl wants even though you can't be together you couldn't help but daydream. 

You got read about 2 hours before you were supposed to be there. You did your curled your hair and did a simple natural look for makeup. You slipped into your flats, as you were not allowed to wear heels. You pulled out your lightsaber and casually hid it your clutch. You were all ready to go. 


Once you arrived at the ball, you casually started to mingle as you belonged there as you were told. After a while you grew slightly hungry and there was a lot of food to choose from so you casually chose to station the buffet. You watched everyone dance, skirts flowing and twirling when their partner spun them. Colors spun across the floor in unison. You couldn't stop imagining dancing with your 'prince' at your wedding. Even though that was impossible you were supposed to be a Jedi when you were older. Your friends came up and chatted with you here and there. Even Padmé talked to you for a while. You couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she was, you wished that you could look like her some day. 

"Hey y/n" Anakin said as he walked up to you. Your heart started pounding but you soon recovered. 

"Hey, how are you enjoy the party so far?" You ask and avoid looking at him. 

"Eh its quite boring, i wish we could at least dance, instead of just standing here." He said looking at you.

"Yeah, i wish " You sighed thinking back to your dream dance at your wedding. You both stayed silent for a while, until Anakin broke the silence. 

"You look very beautiful today Y/N" He said with a slight smirk on his lips. Heat rose up to your cheeks and you looked at your feet.

"Really? I mean thanks." You said and picked up your drink. 

"I mean you look amazing everyday but something about seeing you in a dress makes you look even more beautiful. " He said with a slight blush on his face. You chuckled. 

"I know you want to dance Y/N, you can't stop looking at the dancers. So come one" He said and extended his hand to you. You took it cautiously, now blushing madly. He pulled you out to the balcony. A slower song came on and he extended his hand. 

"May i have this dance darling?" he asked sweetly and you took his hand. He pulled you closer and you started dancing. 

You danced with Anakin for a while. The sun started to set and he pulled you in closer and kissed you right then and there. Your lips moved in sync for a while. 

"Anakin... you know we can't do this. If they find out they will kick both of us out." You said as you pulled away. 

"I know, but i can't help but love you and i know we can make this work. I promise they will never find out anything as long as you trust me." He said and kissed your forehead. 

"I trust you Anakin, i do" You said and you continued to dance until the night was over. 

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