What You Do That Annoys Them - Preference

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When you braid his hair in secret, your be playing with it on the couch and the next thing he knows Obi-Wan is laughing at him and asks him why he has tiny braids in his hair.


Cracking your knuckles/joints (in a non harmful way). He hates the sound and it just bothers him. If he catches you doing it he will put his hand gently on your shoulder or thigh and give you a subtle glare.


When you steal his blaster and toy with it. He glares at you and reaches  over to you and grabs it back, and you make a face at him and get up and leave the area.


When you ignore him or he cant get your attention. He will try everything to get your attention but nothing usually works until he just turns his light saber on and off. You will groan and use the force to pull his lightsaber away from his grip, then turn around and ask what he wants.


When you forget plans or small details. You are just a forgetful person sometimes and it annoys her. You always try to make it up to her though. 


When you wear his helmet when he needs it, other wise he finds it cute. You'll be running around the house in his helmet pretending to be flying an X-wing like your boyfriend, while he frantically searches for it around the house. 


You bite your nails. He gives you a glare and you put your hand down and look at the ground smiling sheepishly.


When you mess up her hair. She tries not to get mad becuase she knows that you don't try to do it on purpose, but she can't help it.

A/N: Please request anything!!! thanks guys!

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