I Missed You - General Hux

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Trigger Warnings: None

I hope you like it! I'm sorry its so short. 

(Aria's POV) 

I miss Hux, i can't put how much i miss him in words. 

We meet on starkiller base, i was recruited to help with some technical things. We became best friends after that, but it was always professional at work.We grew closer and we started dating. No one except Kylo knows that we are, we've kept everything hidden.

Kylo decided that it was for the best that i take up the mission on the outer rim. I've been here ever sense, hopping planets like bars. I don't know how Hux is handling it, but i know that i've lost weight, and many hours of sleep. All i know is that Kylo was wrong, and its doing more harm than good.

The alarm clock woke me up from my dream about Hux, i sighed and rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom and went to shower. I stepped out of the shower and got ready for the day, which consisted of pulling my hair into a low bun and putting some eyeliner on. I got in my uniform and walked out side of my ship. Today was just another routine  evaluation of the products that were being made on the random planet i was on today. I walked around the desert planet kicking the sand up in little puffs that trailed off behind me. 

A fight broke out between two civilians, so i stepped. 

" Hey!" I yelled as i put my arms between them and pulled them from each other. "Whats going on over here?" 

"Nothing Miss..." The of the men said with his head down. 

"Are you sure? because we can always take this to the general" I said with a light growl, just to scare the argument off. 

"Yes ma'am, it was a stupid argument anyway" The other man said and walked away back to his station. I let go of the first man and walked away. I sighed and started to jog back to my post. 

"oof" I let out a grunt as i collided with someone and fell to the ground. I look up and find a familiar face looking down at me. I scrambled up, my heart racing. I feel euphoric, like i'm at the top of the world, weightless almost. A smile spread across my face and it spread to his. He pulled me into a hug and we stayed there for a while. 

"I missed you Aria "He said and pulled from the hug. 

"I missed you to Hux" i said looking down trying to hide my blush. He put his hand on my chin and lifted my head. He kissed me deeply and passionately. I kissed back. 

"Oh how i missed your sweet lips, your smile and your smell" He said holding my hand. I blushed and looked down. 

We spent the rest of the day together, carrying out my jobs, and when the day was done we cuddled in bed telling stories and catching up. 

Feel free to comment and request!! 

StarWars Imagines and Preferences - COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora