Chapter 18

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Louis' Point Of View


Trying to stay awake is the hardest part. Well, not really. The reason I am forcing myself to stay awake is to know what this weird feeling is.

It could be pity? But why would I feel happy?

Do I have something on exciting tomorrow? No I don't. I have to record that song with the boys but that's not the most obscure thing. I mean I am a singer.

What else?

After about half an hour of pondering over what it is, I decide to give up and try to sleep. As my eyes flutter open and shut, I suddenly realise.

I know why I'm feeling like this.

And no wonder why I've never felt it before.

Chapter 18:

I like Amber. That's what it was. I can't believe I didn't realise. I, Louis Tomlinson, like Amber.


"I found you!" I yell as Amber's little cousin jumps in shock when I tickle her. Well, when I say 'Amber's' cousin, I mean,  Amber's caretaker's niece. 

Her cousin is freaking adorable. Her name's Kaitlyn and she's 7 and she's got really pretty, straight, red hair that reaches her stomach. And she has the cutest, chubbiest cheeks ever, I swear.

She looks a little like Diana, just without the blonde hair. 

We're playing hide and seek with her other cousin Luke who is 14. They're both hiding and I managed to find Kaitlyn. 

Only Diana, Amber and Luke to go.

"Haha, stop!" Kaitlyn says as I stop tickling her. She kneels on the ground and catches her breath. 

"You wanna help me find the other two?" I ask and she nods eagerly. She runs off in another direction to try and find Luke while I search for Amber.

A few minutes of no luck, Kaitlyn comes running into the room, dragging a very moody looking Luke. 

"Seriously. Why the heck did you drag me from the living room here to see Mr Pretty Face? I wasn't even playing the game. Let me play GTA already!" He said, storming out of the room again, I'm guessing to go into the girl's room and play on their PlayStation.

If you're wondering why I am here, it's because I stayed over last night and Amber kind of forced me into meeting her cousins because the little one was a big fan of 1D. Which she did end up being but for the music.

Apparently she had no idea what we looked like.

Fair enough though, the kid is 7. I give her credit for knowing 30 of our songs by heart. Pretty good for a kid.

"Wow someone's moody." I say to Kaitlyn and she giggles adorably. Now where is that big little girl with the most beautiful eyes in the world.

Also known as Amber.

Amber's POV

"Found you!" Louis says as he opens the door of the pantry. I was hiding in the dark for about 30 minutes and I can't believe he didn't even bother looking in here.

I mean, small space, dark lighting. It's prime hide and seek location.

"Took you long enough." I scoff and walk out of the pantry, flicking my hair in style. Get it? Harry Styles? Never mind, that was horrible.

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