Chapter 23

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The italics is the story!

I hear the doorbell ring as I rush downstairs, followed by trying to find my keys then opening the door.

"Heyo." I say greeting Louis inside. He takes the gesture and walks in, commenting on the new paint colour on the walls of the downstairs. "Yeah I painted it the other day."

"Cool." The awkward wave floods us with silence and I sit there, tapping my toes. "So about your dad?" Louis brings up.

"Oh yeah. Right." I say, sitting up and getting ready to tell the story.

"So a long time ago, my parents had both broken up and it had been around 3 years into their break up. They were both taking it pretty well, we thought.

That was completely wrong. I was playing with my sister outside in the oval near my house, this house. So my mum had gone to get us ice cream, but when she didn't come back for a while, of course we started worrying.

We tried looking for her and we eventually found her behind a door, knocked out and a gag cloth in her mouth and I screamed loudly. My older sister held me in her arms and tried to comfort me but I was crying, seeing my mum with all the scars.

Eventually my dad popped out from behind another door, looking pretty revengeful. I looked at him, not really remembering who he was but when I said that to him, it only angered him even worse. Long story short, he killed my mum right in front of me."

I felt the tears coat the edge of my eyes but I continue with the story.

"He took my sister by her arm after he was done with my mother and knocked her out, bringing her into the darkness. I have never seen her since then, for all I know she could be dead or he's selling her off or something."

"That's horrible!" Louis says, holding me in his arms as I cry quite a lot. "I am so, so, so, so sorry for accusing you of lying. It was wrong of me. I over reacted." He admits.

I look up at him and give him a weak smile. "It's ok Louis, you did it out of instinct." I say, giving him an understanding look.

He looks back down and I hug him back, burying my tears into his shirt.

When I finally stop, I walk back away from him. "Sorry for getting your shirt wet." I say, a little embarrassed.

"It's alright love." He replies.



"Can you stay over today?" I ask, pretty bluntly, but otherwise I'm pretty sure I'll have nightmares about my father.

"Of course love." He says, guiding me to my room.


"Hah you thought you could trust me? Turns out it may be good to be a little wary of people for once. Stupid Amber." Louis says to me, laughing as I try to struggle out of his grip. It's currently midnight and there is very minimal light, making the whole situation that bit more scarier.

"Let go of me!" I scream, trying to kick him away.

"I can't believe you didn't realise I work for your dad." He chuckles. "What an idiot! It was so clear in every way. Why would you think a major pop star would ever talk to you of all people."

"I thought... I thought..." I can't figure out what to say, stuttering while tears stream down my face.

"Why would every other girl in this world not have a chance, but you do! You really thought I cared about you?" He laughs as he opens a rusted door and throws me into the room, locking the door as he enters to.

I can't believe I trusted Louis. I thought he was trustworthy, I mean, he is a star? Why would he work for my dad in the first place.

So this was the plan all along? To lure me into this amazing boy band of 5 cute guys, completely throw my trust issues out the door, get close to me then try and ruin me?

Smart plan, but still, horrible!

I see on the left of me, my sister, looking lifeless, but you can see her chest moving, meaning she's still alive.

"What did you do to my sister!" I yell at Louis, crying during the process.

"The same thing I'm about to do to you." He smirks and I scream and try to kick him off me as he raises his fist. Just then the door swings open.

"Well, I see Louis is doing his job." My father says as he walks into the room, observing what's going on around us. I scream even louder and try to kick and hit my way out of here.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" I scream.

"Why would you think I would do that?" My father says, also observing my violent nature. "And Louis, calm the girl down." He says, walking away.

"Amber! Amber! Stop it! God!" Louis yells.

The world goes blurry for a second as I close my eyes. When I open them again, nothing is wrong. I'm in a bed, the light is off and no father to be seen.

"Amber!" Someone yells. I look beside me, see Louis and my heart does a backflip.

"Get away from me!" I scream, and kick him away from me.

"Oh shi.. I mean shucks Amber! What's gotten into you?" He yells as I kick him in the stomach.

"What's into me? What's into you?! Don't touch me! Please don't kill me!" I scream, hiding my face from him behind my arms.

He gently pulls my arms away from my face and looks at me confused. "Amber, you were having a nightmare, you kept yelling and crying. What happened?" He says, face full of concern.

Wait a second, a nightmare?

A nightmare! Of course. I'm so stupid. It was just a dream, Louis wasn't trying to hurt me. He would never try to hurt me.

"I'll tell you in the morning." I promise to him. 

"Amber what's wrong?" He asks, obviously sensing my uncertainty

"Do you promise that you will never hurt me?" I say just to clarify.

"What do you mean? Of course I never would love. Why would I?"

"I said I'll tell you in the morning didn't I?" I say, calming myself down and snuggling back into the bedsheets.

"Ok, whatever you say love." He says, turning the bedside light back off and covering himself up with the sheets. I turn to face him and stare at the back of his head.

Trying to calm myself down, I try to focus on that one spot of his head so I don't think about the dream anymore.

Wow, he has really soft hair. God, why can't my hair be like that. No, it has to feel as rough as hay cause that's just how we roll here.

After a while, I find myself falling asleep.







If you could become famous for any reason, what would it be?

I would love to be a singer, I'm trying to make that dream come true but tbh it is a little unrealistic, but you know what! Yolo, so I'll at least give it a good shot :)


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