Chapter 8

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LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Louis: Are you still in college?

Amber: Yeah, I told you I finish at 1 on Fridays

Louis: Right

Louis: Urgh, I'm just bored

Amber: Ikr

Amber: I finished all the work and I'm just sitting here

Louis: Sounds worse than what I'm doing. I'm on my playstation, playing a little GTA

Amber: You play gta?

Louis: Sometimes. Not often though

Amber: Ah I see

Louis: So your still up to meet me after college

Amber: Yeah!

Louis: Cool

Amber: Well I better get back to studying. Byeeeeeee Lewisssssssss

Amber is now offline

Louis: -facepalm-


Louis: I'm nearly there, I'm finding parking 

Amber: I may be 5 minutes late, my hair refuses to untangle

Louis: Well done

Amber: I try

Amber: Stop texting and driving

Louis: I'm at a signal though!

Amber: Doesn't matter, park then text me

Louis: Fine :(

Louis: I finished parking, how long will you be?

Amber: Just leaving the house now, I'll be 5-10 minutes.

Louis: Ok, I'll meet you in there.

Amber: Cya!


Harry: Have you told her yet?

Louis: Nope, I'm meeting her in 5 minutes

Harry: You're going to blow it big time

Louis: I won't!

Harry: You will, trust me. I know you Lou

Louis: I will not blow it

Harry: Well good luck, you're going to need it

Louis: Yeah, yeah

Harry: I'll catch ya later. Niall wants me to drive him to Nandos

Louis: He really needs to get his licence soon. He can't expect you to drive him around.

Harry: I've tried telling him

Louis: Anyways, have fun at Nandos

Harry: I'll try

Harry is now offline


Louis: You found parking yet?

Amber: Yup, close as well

Louis: That's so unfair! It took me 20 minutes to find parking and you get it in like 2!

Amber: That's cause I'm great

Louis: Anyways, I got a table. They want to know if you're going to eat anything

Amber: Yeah, I haven't had lunch

Louis: Neither have I :)

Amber: Buddies

Louis: :D

Amber: Ok, well, I'm outside the cafe. You're the only one in a denim jacket or is there more?

Louis: There's another guy but he's got red and purple hair. Must have dyed it

Amber: Ok so ur the guy in the denim jacket without the red and purple hair.

Louis: Yup

Amber: Ok, I'm walking in now.

Amber's POV

My heart was racing. What if I actually know him? Why am I so excited to meet him? I guess it would be great to put a name to a face. I text Louis one last time telling him that I'm walking in, before swinging the door open.

I wonder how he'll be like. Cute, ugly? Kind, mean? Tall, short? I decide to just breathe in deeply and walk through the door, before the air condition escapes from the shop.

Taking another breath, I examine the room but before I can lay my eyes on Louis the girl in the front who seats everyone approaches me. I managed to see the purple haired guy though.

"Hello, do you need a table?" She asks nicely and I smile at her.

"Sorry, no. I am meeting someone." I reply to her

She flashes me a warm smile. She looks a little younger than me, probably late years of high school. "Ok, there's someone waiting over there who is also expecting someone so maybe he's who your looking for." She points to the other side of the cafe, a guy with brown hair in a denim jacket, playing on his phone, back to me.

Yup that's him.

"Thank you!" I say, returning the smile and walking towards him. I take out my phone and decide to surprise him.

Standing behind him, not being able to see his face, I take out my phone and send him a text.

Amber: Behind you

I text him and seeing the text, he turns around, eyes meeting mine.

Very familiar eyes.

Eyes I probably stare at everyday on my computer.

He smiles a toothy grin and I return it.

They weren't just any old eyes.

They were the eyes of Louis Tomlinson.

Louis Tomlinson from One Direction.

Oooooo she saw Louis. What do you think she's going to do? 

Do you think she'll change the way she looks at him after she realised he's Louis Tomlinson?

What will Louis say?

And what do you think they're going to order to eat because eating is the most important thing in the world. Like duh

So peace out kids!

(even though most of you will be older than I am)

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