Chapter 17.0

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"You're not cool Louis." I say, facepalming as Louis walks out, strutting with a pair of dark sunnies and a leather jacket. "It's 10 o clock at night, you're not cool enough to pull the sunnies off."

"Nuh uh honey. I can pull off anything." He says clicking in a Z formation and I laugh.

"Now you look gay." I laugh and he holds a hand to his heart.

"Now that's offensive on so many levels." He exclaims and I chuckle. He's such a weirdo. One moment he's all 'Amber you'll be ok' and now he's gone nuts.

What a strange little man.

Take into account I said little because he's a shorty to be honest. I'm nearly as tall as him and he doesn't like when I point that out. So I have something to annoy him with already.

Just as I'm about to go get something to eat from his pantry, because I have that privledge now, the house door swings open.

"Zayn my husband!" Louis calls out and walks towards Zayn and gives him a pat on the back. "How's my little bad boy." He exclaims, ruffling up Zayn's hair, revealing a very angry Zayn.

"Better before I walked in here." Zayn rebuts. I laugh and Zayn takes himself into the room, throwing himself and his bag on the couch. "New couch I see."

"Yeah. Got it a week ago. You would have known if you were here the other day with the rest of us." Louis points out as I laugh, reaching over for a maltesers packet.

"Why would I want to hang out with a bunch of weirdos like you?" Zayn asks, seeming a little angry.

"Ok, before we go any further. 2 things I'm noticing. Firstly you've been distancing yourself from us lately and secondly you seem a little angry." Louis points out.

I sigh as what Louis says is actually true for once. Zayn snaps his head towards Louis when he says that.

"Don't worry. I had a fight with Simon." Zayn says a little disappointedly. I give him a confused look.

"What about?" I ask him and he sighs.

"Don't worry. You'll find out soon." He says before picking himself off the couch and towards the pantry to probably get some maltesers as well. He comes out holding a packet of them and drops back into the couch. "Can I talk privately with Louis please Amber?"

"Oh of course. Sorry." I say, quickly scambling out of room, but staying pretty close so I can evesdrop.

What can I say? I'm a crazy fangirl.

"So... about the fight with Simon." Louis begins.

"Thats what I was planning to talk about. Louis I have no motive to sing this music anymore. It's not my style." Zayn says.

I cover my mouth with my hand. Zayn doesn't like it? He seemed so into it though. What does this mean?

"What do you mean by it's not your style?" Louis reads my mind.

"I mean, it's so restricting. It's all, no swearing, bubblegum pop and fun but this isn't what I signed up for."

"Actually if you read the contract it is exactly what you signed up for." Louis jokes and I hear Zayn slap his hand.

"So what is this conversation leading to?" Louis asks again.

I hold my hand over my mouth in order to stop myself from talking. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I shouldn't assume things. But I can't help to assume that...

"In 2015, when my contract runs out, I'm leaving." Zayn says.

Oh my god. Zayn is leaving. Zayn is leaving the band. Never coming back and never going to perform with them again.

With that, I hear Zayn exit the room and out the house door.

Wow that escalated quickly. I mean, one doesn't simply leave straight after they deliver this sort of news. I think there's something else going on with Zayn.


"Zayn?" I say, knocking on the door of his house. Before you judge me for knowing where Zayn lives, I may have told Louis I was evesdropping and he didn't get angry.

Instead he came with me to find Zayn and ask him what was wrong. Yeah, that's why I now know where he lives.

Wow, the internet was wrong about his address.

Hey! I never said I wasn't a creepy stalker. I said don't judge me before you knew. Now you know.

Now let the judging begin.

The door swings open and there stands a very aggravated looking Zayn. His hair is all messed up and he looks like he's just woken up.

"What do you want?" He snaps and Louis looks back at me in confusion to Zayn's sudden mood swing.

"I'd ask if you were on your period with the moodiness you've given me today." Louis jokes and earns a slap on the shoulder from Zayn. "Anyways, we came to see why you're being so moody."

"Well, I'm fine thanks." He says, slamming the door on our faces. And by on our faces I mean, it hits Louis' shoulder and my nose.


"Shi... sheesh kabab that hurt like f... fishing?" I try to recover my little no swearing good girl image. Jokes! I just don't swear to be honest.

"Aww. Little good girl." Louis says, ruffling up my hair and walking towards his car. I huff and storm after him.

No one, I repeat no one touches the hair.

I run after Louis and tackle him to the ground and pull his hair to pick him back up.

"Ow, ow, ow." He yelled as I moved my grip from his hair to his edge. Payback is a beach Louis. Especially when I end up having a screaming Louis with me.

"Stop screaming you girl. This is for touching my hair." I pull him with me into the car, stealing the keys and pushing him into the passengers seat. He looks petrified when I get in the drivers seat and start up the car.

"Luckily I took a picture of this. I should post it." I say and Louis keeps protesting against it. "Ok fine I won't. Now shut up."

"DON'T TOUCH MY BABY!" He yells as he tries to push me out, causing me to pull his hair again and threatening to post the picture again. "Fine. Just don't you dare scratch it." He warns me.

I chuckle and drive off.

"Don't hurt my baby." He says quietly, giving me a death stare.

SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE YESTERDAY. I lost wifi for like 8 hours.

So hope u enjoy. Thanks for reading!!!!

From Lord

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