~The Sad Life of Chelsea~

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The crunch of bones was very audible as Chelsea landed on her arm. She screamed in pain as her father began to walk down the stairs toward her, he leaned over and pulled her up to her feet by her hair.

“Why are you home in the middle of the day?” he asked angrily.

“School let out early.” She lied.

“I don’t believe you.” He said slamming her into the wall. Unlike any other day her mother kept her mouth closed and didn’t say anything. “It would be a wise idea if you wouldn’t lie to me anymore little girl.”

He let go of her blonde hair at went into the kitchen opening the refrigerator door, no doubt getting another beer.

“Come on, I will take you to the doctor.” Her mother said walking over to her trying to put her arm around Chelsea.

“Don’t touch me.” She said and pushed past her mother. She walked outside and got into their overly expensive foreign sports car.  Her mother climbed in after her and started the engine.

“Honey” she began to say.

“Don’t say anything mom, its bad enough I don’t need words to make it worse.” She said tears streaming from her eyes. “Why does he do this?”

“I don’t know baby, I don’t know.” Her mom said, Chelsea leaned over in her seat and hugged her mom. She softly put her arms around her daughter as she cried into her chest. No matter what anyone said, she still didn't understand. Maybe it was her.

“It’s all going to be okay.” Her mom said trying to slow the tears.

“You’re wrong it’s only going to get worse.” Chelsea cried and pulled away. She was angry at her mom, did she think it was okay to abuse your child like this?

At the doctor’s office Chelsea got her arm x-rayed, and a purple cast put on her left arm.

“Now make sure you don’t let it get wet, and everything should be fine, I will set you up your next appointment so we can’t get this thing off.” The doctor said to Chelsea and her mom.  “Might I ask how this happened?”

“I fell down the stairs.” Chelsea said quickly, the doctor looked at her suspiciously but nodded his head and left the room. Seeing as to how Chelsea was always in his office, he should have known by now what was going on. He probably did but was afraid to say anything. Chelsea and her mom followed him out of the room to the front desk.

“Go wait in the car, I will be there when I finish paying.” Her mom said. Chelsea nodded and left the office.

“Did Daddy push you down the stairs again?” a snotty voice said from behind Chelsea, she wiped around and saw the snobby blonde girl and her jock boyfriend, the same ones that were making out in front of her locker earlier that day.

“Why are you here? Did you finally figure out you had herpes?” Chelsea asked and walked outside. She got into the car and leaned her head against the head rest.

“I can’t wait until I am 18.” She said to herself.

“Why is that?”She jumped upon hearing her mother’s voice.

“You scared me.” She said.

“Sorry, now why can’t you wait until your 18?” her mother asked again.

“So I can get out of that house.” Chelsea replied in a light voice.

“And what about me?” she asked.

“Mom you can do whatever you want you are a grown woman, just divorce his ass already.” She said to her mother.

“It’s not as easy as that Chelsea.” She said and started the car. The rest of the ride home was silent the radio wasn’t even playing.

Once back at the house Chelsea jumped out of the car, and ran upstairs to her room, ignoring the shouts of her father not to run, he was drunk anyway if he even tried to beat her tonight he wouldn’t be able to make it up the stairs.

 Turning her IPod on, she threw herself onto the bed, staring at the ceiling she began to think over the past seventeen years of her life.

When she was first born her parents were happy, they loved her, there were no beatings, when she started kindergarten still nothing they would buy her ice cream every Friday night and take her to the movies when she got good grades. She had friends back then, up until she started the seventh grade.

That’s when things started to change, her dad started losing clients, he started drinking, at first he would only hit her mom. But when she found out about it and tried to stop it that’s when she started getting abused.  She kept this from her friends, including the girl that was now the school slut, Zoey; yeah they used to be friends alright. And every time they asked what happens she would tell them it was nothing.

Little by little they would avoid her and not invite her to parties, and to go out with them. Chelsea stopped caring about her grades. This enraged her father, the beatings would come more often and they were getting worse as she got older. She became a loner.

The music flowing through her ears was just enough to get her to sleep that night, but it wasn’t enough to keep her asleep.

The screams coming from her mother woke her late that night. Chelsea jumped up from her bed and threw open her bedroom door running down stairs she saw her mother laying on the living room floor, her eyes were red and puffy, she was crying. Her dad was standing over her breathing hard.

“Stop it!” Chelsea screamed. Her dad turned toward her and threw the beer bottle at Chelsea’s head, she ducked and it hit the wall behind her. He stalked toward her she turned and ran back up the stairs. She closed the door and locked it before picking up her backpack and throwing some clothes and other things in it. She hurried over to her window and banged it open.

Jumping from the second story window she landed on the ground below her and ran.

She made her way to the abandoned house on the edge of town right next to the forest, she climbed in the window.

Whenever things got out of hand at home she would run here, no matter how late at night it was or how cold in the winter.

She folded the blanket and spread it out on the floor laying her pillow down on top of it. She lay down and tried to get some sleep before she went back home early the next morning.


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