37. Making Amends

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"I can get some whenever I want Jauregui" she says

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." We end up staring at each other for I don't know how long. We both hear a cough and we turn around to face our two angry, arm-crossed, and raised eyebrows girlfriends

"Well I know who isn't getting some in some time" Camila says

"So do I" Mani agrees then they turn around and walk in a different direction, leaving us to catch up

"This is all your fault"

"Just Shutup and walk"


After Dinah's begging to Normani and Camila to get back on track towards wherever she was taking us to, we are now standing in front of some apartment complex. The building looked old structured but I was sure it had some history behind it. I mean it was France after all.

"Umm Dinah...where are we?" I ask

"You'll see"

We follow her inside and up some four levels of stairs. By the time we were on top, we were all out of breath.
"Do..these people..not believe...in elevators or something?" Camila gets out

"Obviously not, since there's none in sight but cmon this way"

We end up in front of a white door with the number 302 on it.
"Are we about to break into some strangers apartment?" Mani asks

"Of course not, that'd be rude, we're going to knock" her girlfriend replies

"So we are breaking in?" Camila asks hesitantly

"No dummy"

"Whose apartment is it exactly?" I ask next

"Alycia's!" She says happily

"In that case I'm leaving! Have fun!" Camila announces turning around

"No you're not. Stay, make friends, and be respectful"

She rolls her eyes, "whatever but if I catch her looking at me for over 5 seconds I won't take responsibility for what comes out of my mouth"

"Chill out babe, just play nice"

"Fine" she mutters

Dinah lightly knocks on the door. Almost instantly Alycia opens it as if she was behind it all along just waiting for us to knock. She invites us all in with a big smile on her face. Inside was completely different from what the rest of the complex looked like. Her apartment was very modern looking, just like how a condo in L.A would.

"I'm so glad you guys made it" she tells us all

"Yeah we're all happy to be here" Dinah tells her childhood friend

"Some more than others" Camila mutters

Alycia manages to hear her and looks towards Camila for two seconds before looking away and continuing like nothing happened.
"Anyway, how are you guys liking the city so far?"

We Are A Secret (Camren) [Editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt