He came up from behind you and kicked you across the path. You pushed the blade into the stone, it scraping you to a stop. You jumped back up as sweat beaded from your forehead. "Just face it..." Zalgo looked at his claws as they glinted from the light of the fire. "You're useless. You'll never beat me." You had to grind your teeth together to keep yourself from screaming. Your calves were burning, as well as your arms.

"Maybe I can't.. but I know someone who can..." You said. He looked confused for a moment, before smirking. "Heh... you think she's able to overpower me? You think Ender will be able to defeat me?" He cackled. "I'm not that weak."

"Maybe you're not weak enough to be overpowered..." You took the knife to the place where he had carved in the 'Z' from long ago. "But you're a demon. And you can be weakened." You cut the Z through the middle, as he growled, flinching slightly.

"What are you playing at?"

"I gave you a second chance the last time we battled. This time, I'm going to kill you."

"Hah! You can't. It's impossible–"

"I'm going to tear you apart..." Blood dripped from the cut.

Zalgo stumbled back a bit, stumbling on his words. "You... You won't..." He clenched his teeth. "Stop it!" He held his head. Ender was fighting inside him. You were torturing him through the link.

He screamed from the fight of Ender, both his and her scream coming out. She was almost there... She was almost winning. "E...Enough..." He said, but she didn't stop. Blood dripped from his eyes, as he growled again. The fire and lava in the room began to get dimmer.

"Ender! Fight him!" You yelled, as you ran towards the end of the room where Toby was. "I... can't.. much longer...!! AGH!" She screamed out, as Zalgo's form was slowly slipping out of her. It looked like his soul was being ripped--forced--out of her. He shook his head, screaming. "This is madness! Stop it!" He overcame Ender's body again, but only for a split second.

Ender and Zalgo's forms began to shift into one another, as one moment you could be looking at Ender, and then the other moment you could be looking at Zalgo, full demon form. Ender screamed, causing you to regain focus and fly across the pit and to Toby's cage. "Toby!" You yelled, as he was still unconscious. You banged at the cage bars, but it made no sound. It didn't even rattle. You tried to squeeze through, but it was too narrow.

Ender clawed her way through Zalgo's mind traps, clawing at his form that was trapped inside her. A battle in both physical and mental forms. But who was winning?

You reached inside for Toby, but he was nearly on the other side. You flattened your figure as much as you could, your wings folded, and reached for him. You could barely get a fourth of your body in. If you could push the bars just a little you might be able to...

Your demon form.

You could transfer into your demon form and then maybe... maybe... you could push them. But that would mean setting your evil inside you possibly overcome your mind and soul... You shook your head. You would never let that happen. You flew back to the walkway, and changed. You could feel the evil inside you surface...

It felt good. You felt free. Free... Free at last.

You opened your eyes again, as everything seemed clearer. You didn't hear the sound of the crackling lava, nor did you feel the heat. It felt comforting, rather than evil. It felt...

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