Inuyasha idea

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Kagome is a youkai priestess from the modern era, since foxes have purifying flames, she is an extremely powerful nine tailed fox with just as many different flames (think of the flames the guy in code:breaker uses....sorry I forgot his name)


She gets bored one day and goes into the shed to find something to do, yes she's a normal girl who searches a shed when bored....

She feels the power from the bone eaters well almost as soon as the door opens, and again cause she's bored she thinks 'why not?' and jumps in...

She finds herself in the past, the jewel pops out of her chest cause of the well, a demon attacks her, and with no difficulties whatsoever, she kills it. Releases inuyasha, again cause she's bored, gets into a fight with him. While they are distracted a youkai grabs the jewel, kagome destroys the youkai and jewel out of frustration, and then guilt kicks in so she binds inuyasha with prayer beads and goes to collect the pieces...
Pretty flippant kagome huh

Things happen and kagome and inuyasha are pretty half hearted about most of it unless it involves innocent people getting hurt..... Everything moves pretty smoothly, smoother than the anime, same amount of fighting, less trouble getting the jewels cause kagome is badass

Kagome is the alpha of the group and inuyasha is a little less than sane when it comes to keeping guys away

Naraku is still evil, but kikyou out isn't dead... She's half-dead😏

There are more run ins with sesshomaru, cause he wants her tails 😉😉😏😏😏

Halfway through this turns into sesshomaru craving kagome, kagome playing hard to get, inuyasha going mental every time they're within eye contact of eachother, Naraku being a bigger peeping tom then miroku, and shippo and rin being confused about most of what's happening but still subconsciously acting like siblings.

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