Why does school start so early?

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  " Your gonna be late again!" Mom yells through the walls as I take a ice cold shower. I'm always late in the mornings. Always. But seriously though it's not like an addict can just stop. I spend way to many waking hours on my laptop, yes I know. But you just kinda get lost in tumblr. It's kinda like a black hole for hipsters. Like one minute it's 9 pm and you glance over and its magically 4 in the morning. And don't get me started on Twitter fights though fan girls are very aggressive and should not be messed with in a verbal bitch smack down. Like they seriously would ruin people's lives. I'm still trying to wake up I'm pretty much a walking zombie in the mornings given the fact I only have ten minutes to leave.
Why must life be so hard?
Like home school kids only spend like what three, four hours on their laptop? Yea, and they get to sleep. Does anyone know how precious sleep is and that school shouldn't be upon hours of we go to sleep? Guess that's just my ignorantness talking. But I still whine over that I could be home schooled. Ahh the satisfaction of sleeping in and then stalking otps all day. That's just a dream come true.

haleysfavoritethings check her out I love her and you'll love her too.
FYI she hates mornings too

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