Special target: Target the doubts.

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I'll be answering things (from what I recieved today, I won't say the names of those who asked since it would be like marking them.)
1-From where comes the Acolytes? It comes from an story made by ShanksSalvatore. And for extra info, I'll put every story and its authors that I try to link.
New life online: Rise of the frozen king. Made by scythus.
New life online: Rise of a new empire. Made by militos2.
New life online: Golden Libra. Made by Armanus.

2-How is possible that Beat is one of the circle? Well, check one of the first episodes of New life online: Rise of a new empire. In the guild base, there are 11 seats. Count the important characters. I think that there are 10. So there's an open space. And militos2 said that there's no trouble(If there was, I always have a plan B if needed.).
And Beat on his own is different than the rest.
Since I explained all quicker than I thought, I'll put an special part. It'll be more Beat story(since some people sent messages asking where Beat was. You wanted Beat, you have him!)

Beat went on his own a very long time, but when he found Dahlia and all the circle and had an option to be with his friend in NLO, he took the chance. He proved his value a lot of times, and also he showed that he had his own area of specialization. He had a lost magic that never used in public to avoid being used as a way of getting money. When Rake and the others asked Dahlia, she decided to not becoming one of the circle since she wanted to become stronger in her own way. Then the circle asked Beat.
In a snowy place.
-Rake: Beat, you know of us since a lot of time. We thought that you could be one of us. One of the circle.
-Beat: There'll be a condition. You'll have to accept that I'll go helping Dahlia if she needs help.
-Rake: I think that everyone would do that.
-Beat: Then I'm in.
-Rake: Let's go back.

While they go back they see some bandits attacking a boy who was lost. Beat decided to help and went to stop the bandits.
-Beat: Hey you! Stop stealing and obtain the money in a good way!
-Bandit: Yeah. And what you'll do to stop us!?
-Beat: Maybe I have to kill you all.
-Rake: (Whispers to Beat) I know that you trust in me, but in this battle maybe you get hurt...
-Beat: Stay behind, I want you to know my little secret.
-Rake: Uh?
-Bandit: Guys, time for getting more money!
Then all the bandits attack Beat but then Beat turns into a cloud of smoke and then the smoke turns into snakes that bite the bandits and the snakes turn into electricity. The bandits are totally afraid but then Beat appears just in front of them.
-Beat: I'm an assasin and a illusionist. Surprised? This is only the start.
-Rake: Holy heavens...
The bandits try to grab Beat but then he dissapears again and appears behind one bandit that loses his head.
-Beat: Hidden in truths lie lies, hidden in lies hides the truth. The mistake was not leaving when you could.

Then a mage that was with the bandits started casting magic but Beat changed his perception of enemy using an illusion that made that all the bandits looked like him. The mage started killing every bandit that he saw. But then phantoms appeared, an illusion made by Beat again. The mage tried to kill the phantoms but he couldn't and the phantoms started damaging the mage.
-Mage: Real illusions!?
-Beat: Illusions or real illusions. Hidden in an illusion there is a real illusion. From one illusion will sprout another illusion until you lose your head. That's my lost magic. Real illusions. Fear and regret becoming an enemy.
-Mage: No. It can't be... It's impossible.
-Beat: In a battle against an illusionist, the first who loses perception of reality is the one who loses.
Then the mage kills himself because he lost his head entirely. The boy was very grateful to Beat and to Rake, and they left.
-Rake: Using real illusions? Surprising!
-Beat: Hehe. I won't use it usually but I trained this magic a lot.
-Rake: Thanks for telling me this.
-Beat: If I'm going to be one of you, you would need to know everything I can do. But I won't use my illusions for making gold.
-Rake: I wouldn't ask you that.
-Beat: I know that. But I'm telling just in case.
-Rake: Let's go back, before Mifune and the others start looking for us!
-Beat: Aye, Aye!

This is all the special. Beat can be very strong but has flaws and limits. So he is very balanced. I'll do a popularity poll after Minerva's part! I know that I'm taking my time(since I love to answer questions, and I know that I'll have little time for doing Dreamland.).

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