Target 13: Target the loss.

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Michael and his team go to a great forest and enter until they reach to a city hidden in the woods, it was Sovengarde, also called the city of heroes, where elves and humans live together.
It was a great city that use small walls where there was players that use bows to attack from long distance, but mostly use the trees to protect the city, the enemy can't attack if it can't see the target.
The people used the trees to go quickly from any part of the city because there's a system of ropes that made able using the trees and the ropes as a system far better than using horses.

There were a lot of shops and some inns. Also there was a big round shaped building that had a banner that had a emblem that were two wings crossed. It was the emblem of the Freedom Wings, and that building was their headquarters, where usually the guild thought of what they could do or celebrating the good news.
Michael and the others entered in the city and went to the headquarters meanwhile they were greeted by many elves and humans.
Then a little elf boy run into Michael.
-Michael: Hey speedy guy! Are you fine?
-Boy: Yes, sir...(he was about to cry)
-Michael: Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry! What happened?
-Boy: A scary guy went into the headquarters and went to that place... Please don't punish me.
-Michael: I won't. I don't punish for those things. Not to you. But if the trepasser does something with the tomb, I'll take him down. Team, go celebrating that we kicked some god butts. I have something to do.
-Boy: After talking with that bad guy, you'll tell me this adventure?
-Michael: (Smiling) Of course!
-Boy: Great! I'll tell the others!
The boy leaves running and Michael gets serious and goes to the tomb of Dahlia. Michael sees Rake looking the tomb and unsheats his spear and points it to him.
-Michael: I reccomend you to tell me who are you and what the hell are you doing in front of Dahlia's tomb. If not I'll kill you.
-Rake: Calm down, Wind Knight.
-Michael: Now you have given me a worse reason to kill you. Only three types of person calls me that. Other Knights, Gods and the Circle. Who exactly are you?
-Rake: I'm one of the Circle, you haven't seen me never because few people of the Circle talked to you. Dahlia knew all of us.
-Michael: And she didn't tell me nothing.
-Rake: She wanted to tell you, but never had the chance. She talked a lot of you, Dahlia's boyfriend.
-Michael: Now you are giving enough reasons to not kill you. But I'm thinking in what to do.
-Rake: As she told me. Michael is a good guy, but won't trust easily. But when you meet him well, you end loving him a lot.
-Michael: Exactly like she would say. (Sheats his spear.) Why are you here?
-Rake: I'm going to give you a map where there are the bosses that Dahlia found. I haven't touched any of them. She gave them to me as a gift. I feel that you deserve it more.
Rake gives to Michael a paper.
-Michael: Make a copy. It's a gift of Dahlia.
-Rake: Okay.
Rake makes a copy as fast as he can. Rake gives the copy to Michael.
-Michael: Better! I rather want a copy than a gift that Dahlia gave to another guy!
-Rake: Well, I must say that I'm impressed. But Dahlia never told me how you ended in the Knights.
-Michael: It's a funny story that one! I'll start telling. One day...

The flashback has place in Beta Test
Michael's Flashback:
Michael is wandering around the woods as always, until he finds a little elf that is crying. Michael goes near to him.
-Michael: Hey boy! What happens?
-Elf: An human! He'll kill me!! No!
-Michael: I won't! I rather help elves!
-Elf: You aren't like those of Tainted Heart? You can help me! I need that someone save my friends! They're in a cave!
-Michael: Show me the way!
The Elf and Michael goes to the cave.
-Michael: Keep out of this, okay?
-Elf: Okay!(hides behind a tree.)

Michael enters in the cave and all the players look him.
-Michael: Ehm, you knew that it's bad kidnapping people?
-Tainted Heart 1: They aren't people, and they can't participate in our studies. They are such weaklings!
-Michael: They have feelings, so they are people! (Unsheats his spear) Prepare to fight!
6 Tainted Heart members attack him but he avoids them with Phantom Move and kills them, more Tainted Heart people try to kill him but they can't.
-Michael: You're slow! Surrender and I'll let you live!
30 members more appear.
-Tainted Heart member: Yeah but you can't avoid 30 guys!
Another member grabs an elf that had wife and children.
-Tainted Heart captain: One step! Just one and he dies!
-Michael: Tsk!
The other members go to kill him but then an ally appears. Tall, pale skin, black hair, black eyes. She wore a pure white armor that was a light armor and used Ascalon. She was Dahlia
-Tainted Heart captain: You! Stop or I'll kill this elf!
-Dahlia: Do that and you'll find hell.
The captain kills the elf and his family go to his dead body. Michael enrages and attacks the members but he can't kill them all. Dahlia dissapears and cuts the arms and the head of every member unless the captain.
-Dahlia: You dared to kill an elf. They don't have second lives like you all scum! He only wanted to live in peace!
-Captain: Come on! They're NPC!
-Dahlia: They feel like us. For me they're people!

Cuts the arms and the head of the captain. Then Alexius appears.
-Alexius: Dahlia! Our friends are waiting!
-Dahlia: Sorry! I have things to take care! But you can help me!
-Alexius: Oh? What you need, little girl?
-Dahlia: Make that the dead elf turns back to live!
-Alexius: Ahaha! I thought that it was the thing that you'll ask! COME BACK FROM THE DEATH! RESSURECTION!
A little light enters in the dead elf body and the elf comes back to life.
The family cries and hugs the elf and thank Michael, Dahlia and Alexius.
-Dahlia: Well, I must go with my friends but I want to ask you something. You wanna come with us!?
-Michael: Me?
-Dahlia: You're quick and strong! We could need someone like you.
-Michael: All that I'm doing right now is wandering so I can go with you. But the elves need help.
-Dahlia: Alexius, we go to Sovengarde, no?
-Alexius: Yes.
-Dahlia: They could come with us. In that place you're safe!
-Michael: A city where elves can go?
-Dahlia: My idea!
-Michael: I'll go with you! Elves wanna go to Sovengarde?
-Elves: If we're safe, we go.
They go to Sovengarde.
Flashback ends

-Rake: So you entered like that?
-Michael: Yes. She was cheerful and a great friend.
-Rake: Indeed! I must leave to find an old friend.
-Michael: If you need my help, just call me. I'll bring my people to help you!
-Rake: Thanks a lot!
Rake leaves.

Meanwhile in Scythus city, Beat is looking the bounties and finds one of an Order of Light member called Tyblon.
Beat's POV:
-Beat: "I'll take it. And I'll ask about Scythus past. He'll know something. And surely he'll lie. But thinking on how is Scythus and his story I'll learn the truth!"

Beat has a new task! Tyblon will meet his own demise! I hope that you liked. If you can't wait for more chapters check out my News story. It has Shoutouts of books that I find interesting!

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