"Harry. Please tell why you can't quit," Niall's begging now.

"Promise to be open minded? To try and understand if I tell you?" Harry asks, nervously. He's afraid of how Niall is going to react. He's afraid of how Niall will handle it. This is their first issue they've had after a few months of them dating. Harry isn't sure how to began but he knows that if he holds it in any longer it could make the situation worse.

"Of course babe," Niall replies, smiling softly.

"My boss and the owner of the club, his name is Zayn and he's my step-brother. My mother adopted him when his father died when he was 13," Harry looks at Niall and Niall nods his head for Harry to keep going.

"Zayn has a thing for me. Like- like a romantic thing for me," Harry says.

Harry's nerves are at an all time high when he sees Niall tense up with the words coming out of his mouth. This isn't a good idea. Something like is is big and scary and can cloud someone's judgement but Harry can't stop now. It wouldn't be fair to Niall or himself. Harry just hopes that this doesn't ruin Niall's judgement because Niall's smart. He's good at picking the right people and has a pretty good judge of character and something like this and ruin that, especially when it involves someone you're falling in love with. "Keep going. It's okay Harry."

Harry nods and he's continues, "He knows I don't feel the same way and he pushed me into stripping at his club because he says it's the only way he can see me in the way that he wants because I won't give him the time of day. And it's the only way I get my mothers medical bills paid for."

Harry's crying now, he's crying and Niall pulls him into a hug and Harry cries into Niall's neck as Niall sings to him softly while rubbing his back, "She has cancer Niall. I didn't know what else to do so I agreed to strip for Zayn. He's going to stop paying for her treatments if I quit. I can't quit when her treatments are almost done. I just can't."

"Quit and I'll pay for them."

Harry snaps his head up to look at Niall and he's surprised, shocked. He can't put that burden on Niall. It wouldn't be fair. It just isn't right. Niall doesn't even know Harry's mother yet and he's willing to pay for her medical bills. Harry can't let him do that though. Harry doesn't want to take advantage of Niall. He doesn't because he's been taken advantage of before and it leaves you feeling shitty, and empty, it leaves you feeling like nothing. It isn't fair to make Niall feel like that. It just isn't right.

"No I can't let you do that," Harry's shaking his head.

Niall wipes the drying tears from Harry's eyes and wow they're beautiful. Harry's green forest eyes are red and puffy from crying into Niall's shoulder but he still looks beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking. Harry's the most beautiful person Niall has ever laid his eyes on, even after Harry's been crying he's still beautiful.

"Please? I want to. You shouldn't be in that situation. Zayn's and awful person for putting you through pain like that. For manipulating you. It's wrong and I'm okay with helping your mom. She doesn't deserve to go through all that pain of fighting cancer and you don't deserve the pain Zayn is causing you. And if you're okay with it, I'd love to met your mom when you're ready," Niall smiles warmly.

Harry giggles and he's grateful for Niall honestly. He's grateful he met someone as understand as Niall. Harry's grateful that he found someone that doesn't want to take advantage of him, "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like I'm using you now that you've told me about your job."

Niall just smiles and shakes his head, "You aren't using me if I offer babe. I want to help. I want you to be happy with whatever you're doing and since that isn't with Zayn, I'm happy to help out with your mom."

Harry pulls Niall into a bone crushing hug and he's just so happy that he found Niall. Niall treats Harry the way he deserves to be treated in a relationship and in general. Niall's a gentlemen and it's one of the reasons why Harry is falling in love Niall. And he hopes that Niall is falling in love with him too.



"I have the worst timing ever but I feel like it's the right time to tell you because we've been dating for months and it just feels right to say it now," Niall mumbles into Harry's neck.

Harry pulls back looking at Niall confused, "Tell me what?"

"That I love you. I'm in love with you."

Harry's heart is racing and he's feeling hot because he can't believe what he's hearing. Niall loves him. Niall is in love with Harry. All Harry can do is kiss Niall hard and with so much love that runs through his body. Niall is in love with Harry. And Harry is in love with Niall. Niall pulls back and looks at Harry with worried eyes, afraid that Harry won't say it back, even though Harry kissed him.

"I'm in love with you too," Harry smiles.

"You- you are?" Niall stutters, with a smile.

Harry laughs and pulls Niall in for other heated kiss before pulling back and opening his mouth to speak again.

"I am. I love you too Niall."

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