Chapter 7

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Third Person P.O.V

Joe woke up to a throbbing pain in his head.

His vision was blurry and he was dizzy. Once his vision cleared up and his head stopped throbbing, he took in his surroundings. He saw a white room and a lot of medical supplies. And, in the corner of the room, he saw a tattooed man with ginger hair.

"Oh my god, Joe," Andy said, then ran and enveloped Joe into a hug. Joe wrapped his arms around Andy tight, glad to see his best friend was alive.

They finally pulled away and Joe asked ,"Well, I'm glad to see you alive and moving. What about Pete and Patrick?"

Andy sighed. "Pete is okay. He's got a couple bruises and 1st degree burns, and he's just resting right now. And Patrick, well..." He trailed off.

Joe raised his eyebrows. "And Patrick what?"

"He's pretty bad, Joe. He'll live, but he's fucking hurt. He hit his head and has a mild concussion. They had to do seven stitches on his head. He inhaled a lot of smoke. That caused something called acute carbon monoxide poisoning. I know it sounds bad, but the symptoms aren't all that bad. I researched it while I was waiting. He's just going to be miserable..."

Joe looked into Andy's eyes and knew he wasn't telling him everything. "What else, man? I know you, I know you're not telling me the full truth."

Andy sighed again. "His... uhh... his arm. It was burned up pretty bad. They had to do skin graphs. The doctors say there's only a 20% chance he'll be able to use it again."

Joe processed this for a moment. "Holy shit... Trick is gonna be heartbroken. He'll never be able to play guitar again. He loves music. This is gonna break him..." Joe pondered.

Andy sighed once again. It was starting to annoy Joe. "That's exactly what I thought. Hey, you wanna go see Pete and Patrick? They're both asleep right now. The doctors say you can leave whenever you feel up to it."

Joe was eager to leave. He quickly stood up, but instantly felt a sting of pain in his head. Andy helped him up slower. "You alright, dude?"

"Yeah, just a little shaky is all," Joe replied. "Can I get some real clothes?"

Andy chuckled and ran out of the room. He came back a minute later with a pair of Nike shorts and a Metallica shirt. Andy slipped out of the room while Joe changed.

Joe walked out of the room and followed Andy down the hall. Andy stopped in front of a room, 322.

Andy opened the door slowly. They both stepped in. Pete was asleep in the bed. He had a couple bandages on different places in his body, but otherwise he looked fine. Joe walked next to his bed and ruffled Pete's hair. "Hey, loser. Get up," Joe said jokingly.

But suddenly Pete put his arm over his eyes and mumbled ,"Five more minutes."

Andy ran up beside Pete. "Oh my god, he's waking up!"

Pete slowly opened his eyes. He looked like everything was slowly coming back to him. Then his eyes widened. "Patrick! Where is he?" he said.

Andy explained everything to him. Pete sat for a moment, thinking. "Damn, he's gotta play guitar. He can't lose his hand."

Andy shrugged. "That's all I've been thinking about. Pete, are you up to go see him?"

Pete nodded quickly, which resulted in him wincing and groaning. "Shit, I gotta be careful."

He stood up (luckily nothing had happened to his legs). Joe and Pete followed Andy to the elevator. "Is he on a different floor?" Joe asked.

Andy nodded. "He's in the ICU."

They followed Andy through different hallways until they finally stopped in front of a door. Before he opened the door, Andy turned around and said ,"Before you go in, just remember he almost died. He doesn't exactly look good."

They stepped in and Pete audibly gasped. Patrick had an IV in his arm and tubes in his nose. He arm was thickly wrapped in bandages and he had a gauze on his head. And the worst part was that his skin was almost grey. In short, he looked very sick.

"Oh god, 'Trick," Pete said.

Joe took one look at Patrick and stepped out of the room. "I'll go get him," Andy said.

Pete sat on a chair next to Patrick's bed. He grabbed Patrick's hand and felt a tear fall down his cheek. He was overcome with emotion. Patrick did this to himself to save the rest of them. Patrick has given his right arm, and possibly his life, so that himself, Joe, and Andy would live.

Maybe if I had gone in there first, Pete thought.


Meanwhile, Joe was back in his room, hyperventilating. He couldn't control his breathing, he was getting really sweaty, he was crying.

Andy walked in and took a deep breath. He saw Joe having a panic attack. He slowly crouched down and touched Joe's shoulder. Joe flinched, but when he saw it was Andy, leaned into his touch. He pulled Andy into a crushing hug and started sobbing. Andy couldn't help but feel a few tears fall down his face too.

"H-he l-looks li-ke h-he's d-d-d-dying," Joe stuttered out through his sobs.

"He's gonna be okay, Joe. The doctors told me. He is going to live," Andy said, his voice cracking at the end.

"Hey, girls." Joe and Andy looked toward the doorway. Pete was standing there, wearing a grin the didn't reach his eyes.

He walked to the bed and sat down next to them. He threw his arms around Joe and Andy and said ,"Patrick is a fighter. He'll pull through. He always does."

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