Chapter 1

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Leo Valdez throws the small ball against the pale white wall. It bounces right back to him and he catches it.

He sighs and throws it again.

And again.

And again.

The boy with elfish features groans frustrated, still sitting on the floor.

He glances at the recording video camera in the corner of the room. "Helloooo? Anyone up there? Give me something to do! I'm going mad here with a freaking red ball, I'm not a child!"

Leo remarked, throwing the ball at the camera, harmlessly bouncing off.

Then he grabs the ball and stares at it for a few seconds. Studying it, trying to figure out what he could do to entertain himself.

"Ugh!" Leo shouted in annoyance. "I'm going crazy in here, don't you people understand!"

Suddenly his hand catches fire and the ball begins to melt. Leo only rolls his eyes. "Someone... anyone? I'm boooorrrreeeeddddd-"

The white door is opened and a tall man in a fire-proof suit, struts in. "Really, Valdez it's only been four days of no contact."

Leo extinguishes the fire and wipes the remains of the melted ball on the man's suit. "Yeah, that's like five days too many."

The man grimaced at his once clean outfit and scoffs. "We used to leave you in here for months without any human contact-"

"That was almost a year ago!" Leo throws his hands in the air. "You guys said you wouldn't totally isolate me anymore, stick to your promises-"

"We'll stick to ours when you stick to yours." The man says sourly. "You said, and I quote, 'Of course, no trouble whatsoever, absolutely.' and what have you done since then."

Leo rolls his eyes and leans against a wall. "Causing trouble and having fun are two different things-"

"I know that, but you obviously don't-"

"Can you stop interrupting-"

"I'll stop interrupting when you stop-"

"Men." A new firm voice diminishes the conversation.

"Ah." Leo smiles confidently and walks up to the young woman. "Ms. Chase, finally, I have a chance to talk to someone with intelligence."

"You are dismissed." She says, her voice like ice and her eyes sharp.

The guard nods his head to her respectively, then give Leo one last glare before walking out.

Annabeth Chase picks at her official name tag, and replies, "Yes I apologize for the whole "no contact" thing, we've been distracted of the late."

"Distracted?" Leo mocks. "You were distracted so you decided to leave with a ball. I'm not your pet."

Annabeth nods though clearly not paying attention as she glances at her phone.

Leo crosses his arms not satisfied. "And why did I have to change rooms? I was fine where I was at. This room, also, doesn't seem any different."

She purses her lips. "Yes, well, we've been having a security issue and we had to move you to a more secure area."

Leo perked up. "A security issue? What's wrong? A rebellion? Zombies? Aliens? Me from the future? Is someone attacking us? WWlll?"

He was all sarcastic of course, but Annabeth wasn't amused. "Just sit quietly and don't start any trouble, like burning things."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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