Prologue- Jason

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Jason's POV:

My name is Jason Grace.

I am 18 years old.

I have been kept in a cell since I was barely a toddler.

I lived in a forest that crawled with wolves at the age of 2, but was found and grew up with S. E. C. R. E. T. S.

It's the only home I can remember. In another place I once lived, all I remember is the faint smell of alcohol and a distant image of my older sister.

I don't know what became of her. She could have died. She could have been killed, or worse, she could be a prisoner of S. E. C. R. E. T. S too.

About the alcohol? I don't know. Possibly I lived with a drunk. Or it might have been a holiday where people drink.

But my past isn't important. Only what I'm here to do. And that's save lives.

They told me how I am a hero. About how I have the potential to be even a superhero.

After all, I can fly. Though I never understood how that could help people.

I have never been far outside my cell. Only to the showers, the toilet and back.

Here, I am taught well-needed discipline. Everyone needs discipline. Everyone needs to be perfect. Everyone needs to think right and listen to the directions.

Without directions, the world would be destroyed. Without laws, corrupted men would take over the world.

And that's what I'm here for.

That's what I have been trained for my whole life.

To fight,

As Project 0701.

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