Prologue- Frank

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Frank's POV:

Hello there. I am Frank Zhang.

I'm 18 years old and I work for S.E.C.R.E.T.S.

Well, I don't really work for them exactly, but they uh, like, own me, I guess.

I mean, it's not like I don't like it here, I'd rather be locked up here than at my house being yelled at all the time.

S.E.C.R.E.T.S is the closest thing to a family I have.

Sure they shout at me sometimes, and yeah I live in a cell. And maybe even sometimes they do experiments on me.

But all families have their ups and downs, right?

Anyway,  S.E.C.R.E.T.S took me when I was 16.

Even though it has been a while, I still mourned for my mother when I was 16. For some reason, I never accepted her death.

S.E.C.R.E.T.S made me stronger. Tough.

I can now shapeshift.

I am a shapeshifter.

Okay, granted it's pretty cool now, but when I first shifted it was terrifying.

Absolutely terrifying. And painful and confusing.

But I'm braver now. I can shift into a bulldog no problem.

Frog? I could do it in my sleep. Whale? A little trickier, but I'm sure I can manage.

I'm best at shifting into a bear. A simple brown bear is just easy for me.


But about S.E.C.R.E.T.S.

I don't know a whole lot. They barely tell me anything. But I know it's a very very very top-secret government group of people to use people like me to help.

They told me I'm going to be a hero. An actual, legit, superhero.

Pretty awesome huh?

S.E.C.R.E.T.S has told me so many things about the world that made me rethink everything.

I've only worked here for a few years, but it's worth it.

To save millions of lives, I'd do almost anything.

I am Project 0605.

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