Prologue- Nico

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Nico's POV

My name is Nico DiAngelo.


Go away.

Just.... go away.

I guess if you're not going to leave I might as well talk. Feel free to ignore me at any time. I don't care.

S.E.C.R.E.T.S took me when I was 76 years old and since I was dying they used an experiment on me.

Now I'm a 19 year old teenager with teenage angst.

How? I have no idea. No idea at all.

What they injected me with must have rewound time for me physically somehow.

And mentally I guess because I feel the urge to rebel against every little thing. I have to relive hormones again. Freaking fantastic, I know. 

When I was 76 my sister died. Car crash. Hit and run case, no clues at who did it at all.

They just left her there. In the middle of the street.

I did some digging of my own after the police stopped.

I found the person who ran her over. It was a girl, about 20 years old.

Punk looking girl. Spiky hair, blue highlights. Smoked. Drank. Wore black eyeliner. Dark blue lipstick. Probably one of those stupid young teenagers who thinks the world revolves around them.

When I saw her getting out of her car I approached her.

I knew it was her.

I, uh, did some illegal research.... Let's just say I'm pretty good at hacking for an old guy. Unlike most old people I wasn't bad at electronics.

The first thing she did when she saw me was laugh. Laughed at an angry old man.

She was a murderer. She should be the one scared and intimidated. But for some reason, I was.

Of myself.

Of what'd I'd do.

The girl took out a beer bottle from the passenger's seat and drank some. Totally ignoring me, and walked away.

I yelled at her. And... I kinda attacked her.

Honestly, I don't really care what you think but in my defense, she was the person that murdered my only living relative left and I wanted revenge.

I had a gun. And she had no chance.

I didn't even know her name then.

Later on, S.E.C.R.E.T.S informed me that her name was Thalia Grace.

They also informed me that her mother died the day before she ran over Bianca.

I regret what I did. I don't forgive her but I don't believe she should have died that night.

She was just a girl mourning her mother and had too much to drink. Yes her mistake cost a life. But my mistake cost one too.

I am now a 19 year old boy with bad dreams that used to be memories. My memories don't feel real anymore. Like my past was another life.

I can talk with ghosts. And see the dead.

I am a monster.

And I'm Project 0128.

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