Chapter 16 WTH TIFFANY?!

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"What do you want Tiffany." I seethed.

She just ignored me and walked past me. I turned around and looked at her.

"What do you want!" I asked.

She smirked at me and walked closer.

"You know what I want." She said quietly dragging her finger across my chest.

I flinched at first but tried to ignore it. I grabbed her hand and held it out in front on me.

"Leave. now." I hissed.

She pulled her hand away. "Come on Aleks, you know you want me too," She pouted.

I rolled my eyes and walked over towards the couch in the living room trying to make as much space between us as possible.

"I don't want you." I began, "Am I not making this clear?"

"No. Not clear enough." She whispered in my ear.

I rather rudely pushed her away. She stumbled back. I started walking towards the kitchen.

I'm not going to let Tiffany ruin my day..... even though it's boring anyway...

I went into the fridge to get a drink. I opened one of the drawers and took a Pepsi out of it.

I closed the drawer and fridge.

I turned around to forcefully be pushed up against the fridge. I was in complete shock. Tiffany held my shoulders back and she brought her lips to mine.

It wasn't sweet and gentile it was harsh and rough.

******(Allison's POV)

(AN:/ HAHAAH I LEFT A CLIFFY!!! lol I kid we'll be back to that soon ;))

Hope and I walked the mall for a bit longer. At one point we were passing a Victoria Secrets and we saw a group of guys walk in.... like just walk in.

I turned to Hope and she had the same expression as I did.

"Did you just see that?!' She whisper/yelled.

I nodded, "WHAT THE BALLS WAS THAT!!!" I yelled not caring if anyone heard for the fact that was weird, "No normal guy just walks into Victoria Secrets."

"I agree one hundred percent." Hope said.


 Hope and I were leaving the mall. It was honestly a fun day.

We got in the car and it was silent until Hope brought up something.

"Hey AJ." Hope began, "Do you like Aleks?"

I froze. Wow Hope nice timing. I didn't know what to say.

Hope looked at me and then smiled.

My face grew a nice shade of crimson.

"Come on don't try to hide it." She smirked.

"What am I hiding?" I asked trying to play dumb.

"Oh my gosh now your just playing dumb." Hope saw right through my cover up, "I see the way you look at him. You like him."

Hope's smile grew wider.

"I-I-I don-n't know wh-what your t t-t-talking abo-about." I stuttered.

'Wow I really suck don't I?'

*****(Aleks' POV)

My eyes were wide and I don't know what I was supposed to do. She kept kissing me. I finally was able to move so I pushed her off.

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