Chapter 1 Miracle at Pax

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I walked up to the doors of the giant building. I flashed my badge that hung around my neck and the big beefy security guard granted me entry.

I sauntered into the building. It was crowded with people, people in costumes and what not. I of course being TheDevilSheIs had my outfit set up; I had red vans, black skinny jeans, red tank-top with a small black jacket, a devil's tail safety pinned to the belt loop of my pants, horns on my head, and a pitch fork in hand.

I looked over to my best friend Hope or DeluxeSparklez. She had her sparklyness all planned out. She had her sparkly vans, light grey skinny jeans, sparkly tank-top with a tiara on her head.

"This is awesome." I stated.

"I know right." she said in awe, "And look at all the costumes."

I nodded and we wondered off in some random direction. We somehow found our way over to the food court. It was good that we did we were both starving since we practically had to run out of the hotel.

"What would you like?" The lady at the counter asked.

"I would like a hoagie and a ice-coffee." Hope said politely.

The lady nodded and walked off to get her things. When she came back she had a nicely wrapped hoagie and an ice-coffee. She grabbed a bag and placed in the hoagie and recipt. When she handed over the bag she quickly asked what I wanted.

I basically asked the same thing but no coffee. I liked my coffee but I never drink too much. I handed the nice lady a 20 dollar bill and she gave me 7 in return. When she handed me the bag I nodded and thanked her before I walked off.

"Hey Allison." Hope yelled to me as I went to sit down.

"What?" I asked.

"THIS IS THE BEST HOAGIE EVER!" She screamed in my face.

I laughed. Typical Hope.

The thing was it was a good hoagie.


After we got done eating we went to go look around. We had some time to kill. It was 9:00 and we were going to go do a fan meet up at 12:00.

We loved our subscribers.... even though we only have 10.

So we went to look around. We saw some people in cool costumes so we asked if we could take pictures. They nicely agreed and let us take a couple pictures. At one point we saw some girls dressed up as the Youtubers Sips and Sjin. They had their entire space outfit, helmet included. It was honestly amazing. Of course we took pictures. I mean why would we not they let us so we did.

After we saw a couple more cool costumes I decided to pull out my camera and start filming our ADVENTURE!

"Hey every one this is TheDevilSheIs here at PAX EAST 2013!" I yelled (earning some crazed look by some people), "And I'm here with the one and only DELUXESPARKLEZ!!" I panned the camera towards her.

Hope waved and said hi into the camera.

While filming we went around asking people what they liked about Pax. Most people said the EXACT same thing. That they liked the costumes and game previews.

We interviewed probably about 3 dozen people.

"And this is all for right now. I am TheDevilSheIs signing off." I said with a smile and a little salute.

"Allison, must you end every video like that?" Hope asked.

"Yes, Yes I must." I said with a cheeky smile.

A Miracle That Started With Pax (ImmortalHD and TheCreatures)Where stories live. Discover now