Chapter 15 Of Boredness and Missing Someone

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******(Allison's POV)

I didn't sleep well the past few nights.... in fact I barely slept at all. I'm so tired right now but if I go to my room to sleep I wont.

I stood up from my bed and very sleepily walked over towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed the gallon jug of milk. And yes I still drink milk 'cause.... why wouldn't you?

I grabbed a mug from the cabinet and poured the milk into the mug. I walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch with the mug in my hands.

I ended up chugging the cup of milk and setting it on the table.

I layed across the couch. My eyes slowly closing.

******(Aleks' POV)

Ever since AJ left I haven't been sleeping the greatest. I mean I've slept but it always took me a while to fall asleep.

As everyday goes by I seem to miss her more and more.

I stood up from my bed and went to the kitchen in search for something to eat. And yea the last couple days Sly and I got the kitchen back together, we just need to buy a couple of new things because they are now burned to a crisp.

I opened the fridge and scanned for some food.

'There is nothing here to eaattt!'

I shut the fridge and went back to me room.

I sat down at my computer and pulled up Skype.

Almost everyone was online even AJ so I decided why not Skype call her.

It took a while before someone answered.

"Whhaaattttt!!" AJ groaned.

"I'm bored do you want to play some minecraft?" I asked.

She sighed and soon agreed, "Sure. What we gonna build?"

"Um.... well...... just kind of record minecraft adventures..... I guess...." I said.

"Ima build a Kingdom..... WHERE DEVILS WILL RULE!!!" She yelled.


"I kid." She giggled.

I just squinted at my computer thinking whether or not trust her. I just let out a laugh and pulled up minecraft as well as creating a new server.

******(Allison's POV)

I was about to fall asleep till I heard me Skype go off. I groaned and hid farther into the couch. It wouldn't go away. So I got up from my comfy couch walked off to my room. I sat down at my computer chair and answered the call.

"Whhaaattttt!!" I groaned.


"Ok. Ok. OK! I got four more stone bri-ICCKKKSS!!! CREEPER!!!" I yelled.

"Move aside I got it." Aleks said with his character walking in front of mine, "OK. Don't blow up..... DON't BLOW- AHHH!!!!!"


-ImmortalHD blows up-

The four blocks I place a bit earlier were now blown up.


"I'M SORRY!" He yelled back.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed some dirt out of my inventory to patch up Aleks' mess.


****(Aleks' POV)

After we finished the session.... Which wasn't too long, we were texting each other.

From AJ: that was hilarious

To AJ: ikr!

From AJ: lol u sound like my friend Sydney... IKR!! XD

To AJ: Well then......

From AJ: wow.... butt hurt much??

To AJ: NOOOO!!!!...... No.

From AJ: XD

To AJ: :(

From AJ: i kid im sorry... :(

To AJ: ok ..... :D

"Hey 4L3KS!" Someone behind me yelled.

I looked back and saw Eddie.

"What?" I asked.

"Do. You. Want. Pizza." Eddie said emphasizing every word.

"Ummm.... sure." I agreed looking back to my phone.

From AJ: well I g2g ttyl

To AJ: ok bye

To AJ: I'll miss you...

I debated on sending the last message but soon decided against it.

I looked around my room and then headed out towards the kitchen.

I went into the fridge and grabbed a Pepsi.... yes just plain Pepsi..... we ran out of Pepsi Max.

I gulped down the drink and threw away the can.

*****(Allison's POV)

I after I stopped texting Aleks I started editing the video we just recorded. I laughed uncontrollably at the funny parts:

"Step aside and let the man get the wood." Aleks said. He climbed up the tree, " Got it!."

He started making his way down until the leaf block underneath him "Disappeared on it's own", sending him falling down the cliff.

-ImmortalHD Hit the ground too hard-


"AHHHH STOP NO!!!" Aleks yelled, ".... Damn it! NO!!!"

The enderman kept teleporting around him and slowly beating him to death.

When the enderman was behind Aleks I hit it and it went agro on me.


Aleks didn't do anything.

-TheDevilSheIs was slain by an Enderman


After I was done editing I went back into the living room and sat down on the couch.



It was never boring at the Creature House.... or with Aleks. I just kind of layed on the couch, stared at the ceiling, and listened to the TV in the back round.

I started dozing off till SOMEONE had to bother me.

"AJ!!" A familiar feminine voice screeched.

I groaned and sat up.

"Let's go out." Hope said sitting on the ground in front of me.

"I feel special but you already have a boy friend." I joked.

"Go where?" I asked.

"I don't know." Hope shrugged, "How 'bout the mall?"

I sighed.

"Come one it'll be fun!" Hope said.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine!"

"Now go get dressed." Hope ordered pointing to my door.

I chuckled at her act and I walked to my room. I slipped out of my pjs and grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a plain grey t-shirt.

When I walked out Hope was already ready. We walked out of the apartment building, and instead of taking my car we took hers. I couldn't say that the car ride to the mall was quiet..... well because Hope was blasting music... and singing to it....... well the singing I didn't mind because she was actually a good singer; me on the other hand I suck.

I just couldn't help but to smile at her, She was just always entertaining no madder where you go.

We arrived at the mall and we hopped out of the car. We rushed into the mall because as we came over it started down pouring outside. We didn't park far from the building but we were still soaked when we got there.

We walked over towards Hot Topic and looked around at the graphic-tees. Hope and I always loved to wear graphic-tees.

We looked at them and Hope grabbed a couple and ran to the check out. Being here made me remember when Aleks and I went to the movies and just walked around the mall.

Just thinking about it made me miss him. I'll admit to myself that I miss him but NOBODY else.

Hope bought 3 shirts, unlike me I didn't buy any.... I didn't think to bring money.

What? Don't judge... I know I didn't think to bring money to the MALL.

We continued to look about the store. On one of the small island shelf things it was all Minecraft stuff. And on it was a minecraft torch. I moved it around in my hands and looked at it. I pushed a button that was pretty hidden and it lit up. I gasped.


I patted my pockets remembering I had no money.

I looked at Hope, then at the price tag.

"Hope fork over 15 bucks." I demanded putting my hand out to her.

She grumbled and pulled out her wallet. She handed me a 20 dollar bill. I cheered and grabbed a box.

I skipped over to the check out and handed the lady the torch. She scanned it and I handed her the money.

She placed the torch in a bag and handed it to me before giving me the receipt and change.

I turned around and immediately handed Hope the change.

"You owe me 15 bucks." She squinted pointing at me.

"I will. I will calm down." I said.

Throughout the whole trip I played with the torch... Of course it didn't have batteries in it yet but it was still fun to hold it in the air like I was the statue of liberty.

"Hope take a picture of me." I said shoving my phone into her hands.

She fumbled with the phone but she finally took the pic. I held the torch in the air like the statue of liberty.

Hope handed it back to me and I looked at the photo and gave a big smile. I absentmindedly clicked on AleksHD and sent him the photo.

He almost immediately replied.

From AleksHD: well someone's the new statue of liberty huh?? :D

To AleksHD: maybe.... Problem???

From AleksHD: no..... Just saying :P

To AleksHD: lol

I put my phone away and Hope and I continued to walk the mall.

******(Aleks' POV)

I sat on my bed and just kind of stared into outer space.


I snapped out of my trance and walked out of my room towards the door.

I opened it.

My eyes widened.

"What do you want Tiffany."

I'm soooo sorry I didn't update sooner. I've been reading my summer reading book for school and hanging out with my friends.

But thanks SOOOOOO much for 1.2k reads. You guys are amazing :).

And there is a torch on the side, I saw one at the mall and wanted it sooooo badly but didn't bring any money :/

But remember to keep,

Voting, Commenting, Favoriteing, Following, and Telling Your Friends.

This is TheDevilSheIs signing off.


A Miracle That Started With Pax (ImmortalHD and TheCreatures)Where stories live. Discover now