Chapter 2 10 to 29 in a matter of seconds

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"Didn't I bump into you earlier." He finished squinting his eyes remembering.

'LIE GOD DAMN IT!' "Ummm..... Yea...." I panicked 'Come on lie!!!' "And I-I bumped in-into you....." I stuttered. 'Gosh I'm so stupid....' Heat creeped across my face, " I'm sorry." I mumbled not knowing what else to say. 'I'm so pathetic'

"It's ok." He stated.

........ I stood there and it kinda got awkward so I did the little awkward shuffle away.

I rushed up to the check-out, payed, and practically ran out the building.


I couldn't sleep last night. I was really worried. I ran into Aleks twice yesterday...... literally.... I ran INTO him. I don't want to see him again because I'm worried that he might say something about it. Or maybe he said something to the other guys and they might say something.

'I think I may be overreacting...... maybe just a little... but it could happen.'

Well anyway, after Hope and I got dressed went down to the bottom floor of the hotel and to the breakfast bar. I grabbed a bagel, and a water while Hope made herself some waffles and also got a water.

We were eating our food as we left the hotel to go to Pax.

Well today insted of the devil outfit I had my red vans, black skinny jeans, black quarter sleeved v-neck shirt that had THEDEVILSHEIS written on it in bright red letters across the stomach. So no horns, tail, no pitchfork, or wings today.

Hope had her sparkly vans, white skinny jeans, white tank-top, and a sparkly fadora so as long as she is wearing anything sparkly ot is her costume for her channle.

Anyway we were all set.

When we finnished eating I started the car and we went on our way to Pax.

After a minute or two of scilence I figured I would tell Hope about the run in with ImmortalHD... Again.

"Hope." I said keeping my eyes glued to the road.

"What?" she questioned looking at me.

"Don't laugh at me ok." I stated and quickly looked at her with a very serious look.

"No promises.... And keep your eyes on the road." she said pointing towards the street infront of me.

"Ok well...... you know when I left the hotel room yesterday?" I questioned. She nodded, "well when I left I went to the 7-11 in search of a Guers Iced tea."

She nodded hinting for me to go on.

"Well I bumped into ImmortalHD or Aleks...... again." My face started getting red, I could feel it.

"Wait you met ImmortalHD? Again?" she said wide eyed.

"Yea..... I bumped into him."

"Wow again...... ahahaha... what did he say this time?"

"Well he remembered me from earlier an-" I was cut off by Hope histerically laughing.

"REALLY?!" I yelled.

She just kept laughing after a minute it started to really bother me. And I mean really badly.It would probably bother you too.

I pulled the car over leaned over her opened the door.

"Get out." I said in an irritated tone. Here comes the anger (bad temper time :D).

"No." she giggled.

"THEN STOP!" I hollered, "I asked you not to laugh."

I tried to calm myself down.

"And I said NO PROMISES." she recalled.

I want to hit her so badly right now.... but I'm not gonna... I'm not like that.

She pulled door closed and motioned for me to drive on. I started the engine and pulled out from the side of te street. The rest of the way there was scilent. I was pissed and scared at the same time. The same thought kept poppin up in my mind.

'What if Aleks told his friends and I bump into them.... will they make fun of me?'

We finally made it to Pax. I walked up to the Security gaurd, showed him my badge and walked in. I honestly didn't know where we were going, but I wanted to go see the preview for the new Assasins Creed game. I wasn't very good at the game but it was still fun to play; I mean when isn't throwing dead people off buildings fun? Or climbing tall buildings just to jump off?

I finally saw the sign that had a giant picture of Desmond on it (AN/: I know my video games :P). I grabbed Hope's arm and dragged her over towards the sign.

"But I don't want to see a stupid Assasin's Creed game." she whined.

"Well too bad." I mumbled making our way through the crowd.

We made it over to the picture to see that's all it was, it was just a picture advertising the new game.

'You have got to be kidding me'

'Where is the game preview? Ohh and convienient place to put the sign ADVERTISING the game'

I looked around in search of the game preview, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it felt like people were staring at me. Maybe it's one of the Creatures looking at me....I hope that it isn't.

I continue to look around to see no one looking at me.

'Why do I feel scared about what they think of me. Even if I looked like a stuttering mess.'

Giving up looking for the preview Hope and I went over to the Gift Shop because she wanted to see what she could get which she should of done yeaterday.

Well ayway we went in and it was still crowded and hot.

To think of it I wasn't feeling to good. I feel claustrophobic even though I'm not, my legs feel like jello, I'm still worried about seeing the creatures, and I'm so hot; I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"HOPE!" I yell for her. She dissapeared on me like always.

Someone tapped my shoulder which made me jump.

"Jeez Allison calm down." Hope looked at me, "I think you need to go outside.'

I nodded as Hope started walking me out of the Shop.

"Joe is comming later today," Hope practically jumped, "His flight got delayed... I'm so happy he's going to make it today."

Hope and I squeezed out the front door and walked over to a bench just outside the building. Hope sat me down.

"Ok Allison I'm going back to the gift shop if you need anything just call me ok?" Hope informed me.

I nodded and she walked off.

It was actually nice out here. I'm glad I'm not in there anymore.

I pulled out my iPhone and put in my earbuds and started listein to Stuck in Your Radio by SIYR.

*********** (Aleks's POV)

"Jesus it's freaking hot in here." Eddie (Sly) said waving his hand in his face trying to use it as a fan.

"I know." I relpied, "It's very stuffy in here."

"Then let us go outside for some fresh air." Eddie directed me towards the exit while pointing upwards.

We walked outside and a blast of cool air hit us. It felt very nice and refreshing.

Eddie looked around. It looked very pretty out, there were flowers, beautiful colors.

I looked around and something caught my eye. There sitting at a bench all alone was a girl. I looked closer and realized that it was the girl from yesterday.

My satring must have been very noticeable because Eddie was trying to follow my eye sight.

I think he finally found what I was looking at because he gasped. I don't know why he gasped but it's Sly what can you do with him?

"Isn't that the girl that walked into you twice yesterday?"


"Lets go say HI then Shall we?" Sly grabbed my arm and pulled me over to her direction.

"Whats up Homie?" He asked as we walked over.

****************(Allison's POV)

"Whats up Homie?" Someone asked me. Again voice sounded familiar.

I lifted my head to see a SlyfoxHound and an ImmortalHD walking over to me. I pulled out my earbuds. The sound of SIYR faded away.

I looked back behind me to make sure that he was talking to me. No one was behind me.

So to double check I pointed at myself. He nodded and I again made sure he was talking to me by looking to make sure no one was behind me.

He laughed.

'His Laugh is so halarious I just want to lay on the ground and laugh'

"Heyy Homie!" He yelled, "WHATS UPPPP!!!!"

I shrugged my shoulders shyly. He kinda giggled a that which I thought was funny.

"So what are you listenin to?

"ummmmm....... Stuck in your radio." I said shyly looking down and fiddling with my fingers probably red faced.

"Ohhhh we have a fan!" Immortal yelled.

That made me want to go run away. People kept looking over at us and I hated that.

"Jeez Aleks she's shy don't do that to her." Sly giggled.

Immortal rolled his eyes.

'Oh mhm I see how it is.'

"Whats your name?" Immortal asked.

"Umm.... I-I'm Allison......" I mumbled.

"Soo Allison who are you dressed up as?" Immortal asked, "or atleast advertising"

"Ohh this?" I said pointing to my shirt. He nodded.

"Ohh th-this is my Youtube ch-channle." I stuttered.

Sly giggled some more at my stuttering.

'Why Sly? Why laugh at me?'

"Ohh I'm sorry." He said and imediatly stopped giggling, "The name sounds pretty cool you must be a good Youtuber."

"Well I only have 10 subscribers..........." I muttered.

"Maybe I'll check out your channle later." Sly said as if he was excited.

"Yea so will I." Immortal added on with a smile.

Butterflies flew around in my stomach.

'The one and only Slyfoxhound and ImmortalHD are going to check out my channel!?'

I didn't know what else to say.

They kinda shifted their weight back and forth... It was really awkward. There wasn't really anything to say anyway. Well that's until. Sly spoke up.

"Ok we'll see you around homie!"

They walked away giving a small wave and smile. I returned the wave but didn't smile I was too nervous too.

************ (Immortal's POV)

It kinda started to get awkward. I was about to say something but Eddie beat me to it.

"Ok we'll see you around homie!"

We walked away and we gave her small smiles and waves. She was obviously shy 'cause she gave a small wave and her face went red.

When I turned around I tripped over the steps going up to the building.

'Wow how embarassing'

I stood back up and saw Sly laughing hysterically.

I looked back at everyone who laughed and over at Allison. She was smiling holding back a laugh but when she noticed me looking at her she imediatly directed her attention to whar ever was on her phone, and her face turned a deep red. I let out a small laugh.

I looked forwards and continued up the stairs. When we walked back into the building heat struck me.

'Damn it's hot in here. Would it kill anyone to put the AC on?'

"So Aleks what was that back there." Sly questioned looking at me and putting his hand on his chin with his head tilted up but his eyes on me.

"What?" I said confused.

"I saw you checking out that girl Allison back there." He gave me a cheeky smile.

"What!? Nooo!! I have a girlfriend." I protested waving my hands infront of me.

Sly rolled his eyes and we proceded.

We went looking for the other guys.

*************(Allison's POV)

I watched the guys walk away. I still couldn't belive they were going to check out my channle!

When Aleks turned around he tripped over one of the steps.

I let out a small laugh and watched him get up and look around. I saw him look at me with a smile. I quickly moved my gaze from him to my phone. I felt the normal heat creep up across my face.

After a minute I looked up and they were gone. I let out a sigh.

But there was a sudden tap on my shoulder. I jumped and looked at the person who tapped my shoulder.

"Hey AJ calm down." Joe said.

"Ohh I'm sorry I'm kinda on edge right now." I said standing up.

"Ohh ok." He replied.

"Well long time no see." I laughed, "I havn't seen you in what? 2 days."

"I know right." He joked.

I gave him a hug.

"Hope was spazing out because you didn't make it yesterday." I laughed.

"I know she was all worried." He said.

"Well lets get going." I guestered him towards the front doors.

We showed our badges to the guard and we went in.

"Damn it's hot in here would it kill anyone to put the air conditioning on?" He yelled.

"I know it's hot in here." I laughed.

We went into the gift shop where Hope said she would be.

"JJJOOOEEEEE!" Someone squealed.

Joe and I turned around to see Hope jump at him.

Joe caught her and she started kissing his face. I rolled my eyes.

'Corner of Woe??'

Hope finally jumped off of Joe and messed up his dirty blond hair.

"Ok Allison why were you "on edge"?" Joe finally asked.

"Umm.... Yesterday I bumped into ImmortalHD.... Twice actually."


"Yea and today I went outside because I was practically dying in here and I sat on the bench and started listening to SIYR's Stuck In Your Raido and Sly and Immortal came up to me... They asked what I was listening to and i told them and I kinda shyed out-"

"Like usual!!"

Hope started laughing.

"Shut up Hope. Anyway they asked who I was dressed up as or who was I advertising. I told them it was my channel and they said I must be good because my name was cool. I told them I only had 10 subs. And they said that they were going to check out my channle."

Hope and Joe's jaws dropped. I gave them a haha smile.

"THEY ARE GOING TO CHECK OUT YOUR CHANNEL!!!!" Hope screamed grabbing the collar of my shirt.

I nodded giving her a cheeky smile.

"You're lieing." Hope squinted at me.

"No. No I'm not." I shook my head.

Hope continued to squint at me as walked over to some shirts that were on display.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly. We took some pictures. we had a bunch of our subscribers find Joe and completely bombard him (which I thought was hilarious).

When it started to get dark out we decided to head back to the hotel. We left the building and went seperate ways. Joe had his car since he just got here and I had mine so yea.

Hope decided to go with Joe, leaving me alone.

I sprinted to my car because I didn't want to walk this sketchy street by myself.

I sat down in my car and pulled out my phone. I had this thing for my phone that I could use to have my music play through out the car. So I plugged it in and started to play some music.

"Nothings left I used to cry, my conversations have run dry! Thats whats going on, nothings fine I'm TORN!" I sang as I drove off towards the hotel.


"I used to roll the dice, feel the fear iny enemys eye. Listen as the crowd will sing. Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" I belted as I pulled into my parking space at the hotel.

I got out of my car and headed up to ny room with the song still playing in my head.

When I got up to the room Joe and Hope were all ready there. Joe seemed to be already settled in for the fact hope and him were just hanging around.

Hope, Joe and I got the conjoining rooms and when you walked in both doors were propped open.

So ignoring that Hope an Joe were there I jumped onto my bed and pulled out my camera.

"Heyy everyone this is TheDevilSheIs and I'm here in my hotel room with 2 weirdos that go by the name of DeluxeSparklez and Dr. FlapSack." I said into the camera emphasizing the weirdo.

I looked over to Hope and Joe. They were making weird faces at me. I rolled my eyes panning to camera to them, "I told you they were weird."

"You love us anyway." Hope said with a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes again.

"Ok how about we give a little Hotel room tour??" I giggled wiggiling my eyebrows about.

I stood up and went towards the door.

"Ok here is the front door."

I turned around and walked forwards and opened a door, "over here is a closet, and over here is a bathroom."

I walked into the bathroom, "It's a very nice bathroom. See there is your shower, your sink, and your toilet."

"I think that's enough of the bathroom." Joe suggested.

"Fine." I sighed.

I walked over towards the open room. I looked right into a corner, "You guys knowy Corner of Woe right?? Well that's at home so here is my temperary Corner of Woe."

Joe sighed and took the camera from me.


"You'll get it back later. Anyway here are the beds." He panned over towards both beds.

I ran and flopped down on mine, "MINE STAY AWAY!!!" I hissed giggling a bit.

"And she says we are the weird ones. Well anyway here are the little table things. And here our lovely flat screen TV."

"Babe, you mean me and Ali's TV." Hope said, "'Cause this is not your room."

Hope had a point.

"Yea I guess." Joe mumbled. Ge took the camera over to the 2 doors conjoining the 2 rooms.

"And over here is my room!!" Joe gave a sarcastic scream of excitement.

"It's the same thing!!" The sarcasm left his voice.

"Well that's it for this hotel room tour!" I telled turning the camera towards me, "This is TheDevilSheIs signing off." I gave my little salute and smile as Joe turned the camera off.

"I hate how you do that." Hope groaned.

"Well I do it just to annoy you." I shot her a cheeky smile.


'Ugghhh I don't feel lile checking you right now phone.'


"Are you going to answer that" Hope grumbled in annoyance.

I nodded and picked up my phone.

'2 new subscriptons'

'4 more likes'

'Oohhh that was YouTube I wonder who it was.'

I had totally forgotten that Sly and Immortal were going to check out my channle.

I slid the bar to unlock my phone and typed in the passcode :0609. It was my birthday- the month I was born and the day.

I pulled up YouTube and clicked on my name to view my channle.

My eyes widened.

Hope looked at me all funny like, "Are you ok."

I shook my head no.

"Then whats the madder." She said taking my phone away from me and looking at the open page. Her eyes grew wide and she looked at me.

"OHH MY GOD!!" She yelled.

"I KNOW RIGHT!" I yelled back.

"SLY AND IMMORTAL FOLLOWED YOU!!" She belted getting up and jumping around the room.

I stood up on my bed and started screaming.




My phone kept going off. I looked at the open YouTube page and My subscriptons kept going up.

I went from 10 to 29 in a matter of seconds.


Ooo whats going to happen next??? Ik its not a real cliff hanger but yea tune in till next time. :D

I'm not assosiated with Stuck in Your Radio (SIYR)

Follow, Vote, Comment, and tell your friends. :)

This is TheDevilSheIs signg off.

*smile* *salute*

A Miracle That Started With Pax (ImmortalHD and TheCreatures)Where stories live. Discover now