Ever since the feud with the Hunters had increased a few years ago the Elders had been choosing kids and turning them to increase numbers. We never interfered with who the Elders chose to be potential wolves in our pack, but that didn’t mean we didn’t question it.

                So to hear Dame speak, brief as it was, after being in our pack for a year, it showed that maybe she was beginning to get used to it.

                I smiled at her but she began to get uncomfortable with our stares. Thanks Dame, glad to be back. I barked at the rest of the pack, drawing their attention back to me.

                Right, I’m starving. Now you can either stand around here all day like the loners I know you all to be or you can come help me catch some deer! There were several howls from the boys while the girls all smiled at me.

                I darted off into the forest after the rich smell of the deer.

It had been a few days since I’d got out of the hospital and I’d long since deemed the boy in my hospital room a dream.

                I closed my eyes to the warm sun that basked my face. It was chilly outside but I cast a veil of warmth around me, it cost me little strain to manipulate my magic to cast it and keep it in place.

                I was in a field a little way away from my house. The grass was golden with splashes of green. A mist hung lightly in the air that made the rays of sunlight through the trees clear to my eyes. It was beautiful.

                The forest was alive with all the shades of green which set the whole scene ablaze. The wolf in me whined peacefully at the feel of the wind flowing through my hair, it was at times like this that I felt like I could forget everything that had happened, go back home and find my parents sat around the kitchen table with the rest of my pack. I knew that wasn’t going to happen though.

                I sighed, it had been three years since my parents died and it seemed the answers behind their death were slipping away the more time they lay in their graves. We had never really been on good terms with each other, always fighting, especially with my mother, but they were still my parents, no matter how much my mother hoped I was no relation of theirs. Nevertheless, whoever had killed my parents had not only killed the Elders of my pack but the people who meant the most to me, and that had left a wound.

                I was so distracted by my thoughts that I didn’t sense the figure looming beside me until they were mere metres away.

                I whirled around, ready to attack. What I wasn’t ready for was the sight of Jase stood before me, hands raised.

                “Whoa… easy Aria.” I relaxed my stance and looked him over with an accusing glance.

                “What’re you doing here?” My voice was harsh, clipped.

                “Hey, there’s no need to talk to me like that. I came to say I’m sorry for what happened the other day.” He moved towards me and placed his hands on my arms.

                “I’m over it Jase, you were drunk.” Jase stiffened but let it go.

                “Then what’s all the hostility for?” I pulled out of his grasp and moved away from him slightly. I let silence settle over us before replying.

                “Where were you Jase?” It came out almost as a whisper, but I knew he’d heard it. He made a move towards me but I hastily backed away.

Run Wolf Run (Complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя