Chapter One: New Guy

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I never knew government class would become the most important place on the planet. It was like any other boring day in Miles High School when He walked into Mr.Frails classroom. Mr.Frail was rambling about the 1st amendment when I saw him. To anyone else it was just some kid late to class. But to me it was the beginning of my life.

My eyes swept across his body. He was long and tall with short dark brown hair. His skin was a rusty tan color that made his green eyes stand out. His lips looked so soft but his face looked like marble stone.

I blinked and turned my eyes away when he noticed me staring. I became very interested in the doodles on my desk. I heard the chair beside me move and someone sit in it. I freezed. "Hey, did you see the hottie walk in?" Stef, my best friend said beside me. I let out a sigh, glad that it wasn't Him. I looked at Stef who looks like she's going to explode with excitement. "Hello, earth to Sarah?" she said looking annoyed.

"Yes, I saw so what?" I tried to blow off my sudden fascination with the unknown student. I looked across the room looking for him. Stef had turned around to take notes on whatever I was supposed to be learning. He was still standing by the door; Mr.Frail was eyeing him.

"Are you, Jay Marvin?" A crooked smile moved across his face flashing his white teeth. Wow, I thought.

"Yeah that's me. 'Sup?" Jay said smoothly. His voice sent a wave of excitement down my back. He walked towards me and sat right behind me. I glanced at Stef while we both smile with wonder.

   The teacher went on to talk about world war three or aliens, I didn't really care. I started to get goose bumps on my arms. Was it this cold five minutes ago? I rubbed my arms to try to gain some friction with no use. "Here take this," Jay said while draping his jacket over me from his seat. I shot a glance at Stef.

"Um...thanks." His hand lingered on my shoulder as he said, "No problem." I held my breath and eyed Stef. Her eyes were on the edge of bursting out of her head. As were mine.

   Everyone started packing up to flee from the school to get home. I started to take off Jay's jacket when his hand stopped me. I turned my head to see what he was doing but his face stopped me. Jay's dark green eyes stared right back at me. They were soft and memorizing. "Keep it, it's pretty cold out there." Did he just say that? I looked at Stef who's mouth was wide open.

"No, I'm fine really. Thanks though." I tried to take it off but again Jay's hand stopped me.

"Seriously take it. I'm Jay by the way." He held out his hand and I shook it.

"Im Sarah Dawn.This is my friend Stef." I gestured toward Stef but she was already next to me smiling like an idiot. She waved and gave me we-have-to-go look.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to keep you. See ya later." Jay said as Stef grabbed me and walked me to my car. My '92 chevy camaro rawred to life as I started it. I looked behind me to make sure I was clear. As I drove away from the school I saw Jay standing in my parking spot.


"Sarah, I'm telling you, something is up with him. I mean he gave you his jacket and he doesn't even know you. I mean ya he's hot but-" Stef was talking my ear off on the way home but when she called me later that night I'd finally had enough.

"Stef, you're reading too far into this. He was just being extra nice. Maybe he's from Canada or something." I sounded like an idiot, What other explanation was there? I looked at the black leather jacket that laid neatly on the back of my computer chair in my room. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It looked so familiar it almost felt comforting.

"Are you even listening to me?" Stef growled at me. I didn't even realize we were still having a conversation.

"Oh..yeah, what were you saying?" I said with sass.

"I said, Jay must really like you. Sarah be careful though. Don't get your heart broken, guys now days don't give a shit about anyone." This is why Stef was my best friend. She encouraged me with realistic expectations. "Well, I gotta go. See ya later," Click. Stef's dad must have gotten home. I looked at the clock, 11:30. I turned the lights off and headed to bed. That night I fell asleep staring at Jay's jacket.

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