Chapter 2

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Sup! this is the second chapter of Raised on Olympus. Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: δεν είμαι κύριος Πέρσι Τζάκσον και οι Ολύμπιοι ή Ήρωες του Ολύμπου (Translate it yourself!)

The Palace had statues of all the Olympians on the garden outside. The inside was huge, with a glass chandelier on the roof and the walls painted a rainbow of colours to signify the Olympians. The gods and goddesses took their children to their respective rooms.

Thalia and Jason's room had blue walls that turned the colour of the sky during the day. The floor was a cloud and the cribs were white clouds shaped into cribs. Lightning bolts decorated the walls and the roof was clear so they could see the stars. Zeus gently set his children down in the cribs, covered them up, and left. After a minute, Hera crept in. She looked at the children, the outcome of her husband's unfaithfulness. She decided to give the children a chance.

Perseus and Andromeda's room was painted the blue-green of the sea. The paint moved like waves and the floor was sand. The cribs were woven from seaweed and the roof had a sun shining from far up. Poseidon gently set the children down and covered them up, then went to bring Amphitrite to meet the children. Amphitrite looked at her stepchildren and instantly felt drawn to them.

Katie and Liam's room was like a meadow. The floor was real grass and there were dandelions in it. The walls were painted to resemble an open field stretching out. The cribs were trees with a huge hollow in the middle that the children could not get out of. The roof was a clear blue sky with the sun as a source of light. Demeter set her children down and covered them with woven blankets and left.

Clarisse and Frank's room was blood red with black highlights and had weapons and shields stuck to the walls. The cribs were shaped like miniature wars chariots complete with fake horses and reins and whips and had the symbol of Ares painted on it (Frank's also had the symbol of Poseidon on it). Ares set his kids down with surprising gentleness and left.

Annabeth and Malcolm's room was heaven to any bookaholic. The four walls were light grey, but you could barely see it for the four bookcases that lined the walls. The roof was navy blue with owls flying across and the cribs seemed to be made out of books. Athena set her children down and covered then warmly before leaving the room.

Will and Kayla's room was blinding sunshine yellow. The roof had a blinding sun light on it and the walls had an orange sun pattern on it. The cribs were like smaller versions of Apollo's sun chariot. Bows and quivers of arrows were stuck to the walls. Apollo placed his children in the beds and bounded out of the room.

Leo and Nyssa's room was a machine shop. The walls were rust coloured and had oil stains and half finished projects were scattered across a long table. There was a small forge in a corner. The cribs were small machines that were designed to put babies to sleep. Hephaestus set his children down and limped out of the room.

Piper and Mitchell's room was a life-size Barbie dollhouse. One half was pink and the other half was blue. The curtains were pink and blue with white lace and the place had a subtle scent of perfume. The cribs were shaped like small doves about to take flight. Aphrodite put her children in the cribs and left the room.

Travis and Conner's room was light brown. There were some caduceus on the walls and several sets of prank equipment. There were miniature scrolls flying around reminding anyone about their appointments and other important dates. The cribs were plain brown but had wings that could fly the children around the room. Hermes set the children down and left.

Pollux and Kathy's room was wine red and grape purple striped. The roof had vines growing across it like a woven roof. There were grape vines growing up on the walls and the cribs were made out of vines. Dionysus left the children in the beds and left the room.

Nico and Hazel's room was black and gold striped. The roof was like a cave roof and there were gems embedded in the walls. There were poplar trees growing in the four corners of the room. The cribs were made out of shadows with gems on them. Hades set his children down and tucked them in, then went to get Persephone to see his children. As soon as she saw them, Persephone felt love for them growing in her heart.

The Olympians and Amphitrite and Persephone gather in the throne room to discuss how to train their kids. Ares started shouting about how he should train the kids in weapons from four years old but quickly shut up when several deadly weapons were pointed at him. Finally Athena came up with a plan. They would start teaching their kids school lessons from four years old and would start weapons training and battle strategy from six years old. Powers training would start at eight years old. The children with no special powers would receive extra weapons training and battle strategy.

Finally Zeus said, "We must have a schedule of who will take care of the children." They discussed it for a long time. Finally it was decided that Athena and Ares would take care of the children on Monday, Artemis and her hunters would take care of them on Tuesday, on Wednesday they would go to Atlantis and Poseidon and Amphitrite would take care of them, on Thursday They would go to the underworld and Hades and Persephone would take care of them, on Friday Apollo and Hermes would take care of them, on Saturday Hephaestus and Aphrodite would take care of them, and on Sunday all of the gods would spend some time with their children. Hestia would take care of them all nights. Dionysus would be released from his punishment on Sunday.

Zeus said, "Well if that's the case, Athena and Ares, prepare yourselves for tomorrow!" And with that, all the gods minus Poseidon, Athena, Amphitrite and Ares flashed out. Ares and Athena looked shocked. "Good luck tomorrow, Owl Head and Crazy General!" Poseidon shouted before he and Amphitrite flashed home to tell Triton the news. Triton was overjoyed that he had siblings and couldn't wait to meet them on Wednesday.

Well? How was it? Please comment and tell me! Sorry this is the boring parts. I promise the next chapter will be better! It's Ares and Athena looking after the kids!

Yours in Demigoddishness, and all that

Peace out! 


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