"This is my fault."

"Okay," Elliot takes a deep breathe pulling us all into my room and shutting the door.

"This isn't your fault," Elliot exclaims.  "Nothing that has happened has been your fault."

"This is out of your control Abrelle," Noah frowns. "You can't control what other people do."

"But I can control what I decide," I sit on the bed. "I made the decision to include Luis into my life and he's dead. I made the decision to leave that letter for my dad, and he's dead. I decided to send Nathan to my apartment...I made those choices and they got people killed or hurt...so yes it is my fault"

"No it's not," Elliot insists "you didn't know what would happen."

"You're right," I nod "I didn't know what would happen, but I do now. I know that if you two continue helping me then you're both going to end up like Nathan or maybe even dead."

"No we're not," Noah shakes his head.

"Of course not," I agree "because I'm not going to let it happen. So as of right now I want you both out of my life for good."

"You can't make that choice Abrelle," Elliot frowns.

"Watch me," I stand up and open the door walking towards the front desk of the hospital wing I'm in.

"Can I help you?" the nice man behind the counter asks.

"Yes," I smile pointing towards my room "I would like those two men to leave and to be restricted from visiting me."

"Are you sure?" the man asks.

"Yes," I nod.

"Alright," he walks towards my room and begins speaking to Noah and Elliot.

I can see both Noah and Elliot glare at me while simply nodding at the man's words.

I'm okay.

I don't feel like yelling.

I don't feel like crying.

I don't feel anything.

I'm okay.

"Miss can you please come over here?" the man yells at my direction and I comply making my way towards them.

"Yeah," I say.

"Are you sure about this?" he asks again "you don't want them to be able to visit you anymore no mater the circumstances."

"I'm sure," I nod looking at both Noah and Elliot in the eyes. I can tell their both highly upset, but I'd rather them mad than dead.

"Okay," the man nods. "You two are no longer allowed to visit her, do you both understand?"

"Yes," they both nod angrily.

"Abrelle are you sure?" Noah asks, his voice full of pain and distress.

"Bye," I walk into my room shutting the door behind me.


Day 95

It's been an entire day since Nathan got shot and the nurse Abigail hasn't been able to update me on much. All she told me last night was that he was in critical conditions, but that he was young and strong so it was likely for him to be okay. I walked into his room for a little while, but I couldn't bare seeing him connected to so many machines. So I decided to ask if they could put his room right next to mine so that I could at least feel like I was with him and they did thanks to Abigail.

"Morning Abrelle," Nurse Abigail walks in, a big smile on her face "how are you today?"

"I'm fine," I nod "How's my brother?"

"Same as yesterday," she answers "but he made it through the night and that's always good news."

"Do you know anything about any possible suspects the police might have on who shot him?"

"None," she shakes head "all they know is that he was found shot in the parking lot of a convenience store. They think it might have been a robbery because he had no wallet or cellphone on him."

Crap. The disposable phone.

God, Abrelle who cares about that right now!

"Thanks," I smile.

"You know those two guys you banned from visiting you," she casually says after a few minutes.


"They've been in the waiting room since early morning," she grins "I think you should let them see you."

"Did they send you?" I ask "because if they did you can tell them I said to go home."

"They didn't talk to me about you," she shakes her head "they asked about your brother and his condition."

"Oh," I say.

"Yeah," she continues "they even went in to see him earlier."


"Really," I raise my brows "why?"

"I don't know," she quickly replies and for I second I see a flash of guilt in her eyes, but its quickly gone.

Is she lying to me?

"CODE BLUE," A nurse yells from outside the room and immediately Abigail runs out following the many nurses towards another room.

"Hurry up," someone yells and I realize the chaos is coming from the room next to me.


Quickly and painfully I stand up making my way towards the door.

"Abrelle," Abigail walks towards me "Please stay in bed."

"What's wrong with him?" I ask pushing her aside and going to Nathan's room.

"Abrelle," she yells after me as I reach Nathan's room and I realize that no one is dong anything to him.

I realize that everyone is quiet.

I realize that the only sound I can hear is his heart monitor.

"Time of death 11:32 A.M."

A/N: I'm really sorry for this ending and for taking so long to update. I wish I didn't have to kill him, but its for the best sadly.

Anyways, I've been really obsessed with a show called Hemlock Grove *I think that's how it's spelled lol* and its amazeballs. I love Roman and Peter their awsome. I'm only in season 2 so no spoilers pleasee lol.

I'll update soon...

Happy early Easter!!!

Love, Pam

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